Character Sheet for Harmony viola
Character Description
Harmony tours around the world bringing joy to others via her parties and songs with her the party never dies her only goal is to bring joy to the world and prevent Pokémon from feeling blue,
Harmony is fun loving and confident and loves parties but she has a good heart too she is also one of the nobles representative of the psychic type
Likes: parties, music, friends, her best friend Delilah megania, boys, dresses, shopping, drinks, movie nights and tea
Dislike: rude people, joykillers, fighting (in base form), horror movies, and scary pranks
Harmony used to be little more then unimportant noble in the council but thanks to meeting Delilah and forming a strong friendship with her harmony spiked in importance getting trust and respect more or less over night inspiring her to keep the music of happiness alive,
Harmony family has always been musical the psychic type has always been their house in the noble council her father arceus is still around and she can visit him anytime since arceus is the leader of the noble type council even with that family relation it doesn’t give harmony more power still harmony is the 4th generation of her family’s legacy of music and joy she report to arceus on the regular because she likes to hear what he thinks of her and if his proud of who she became,
Being the face of the psychic type noble house harmony is next to Delilah megania at the council without harmony there would be a whole lot of chaos and unhappiness in the world
Harmony is rather big lady tall in height harmony has great style in clothes along with beautiful long green hair
Harmony’s usual getup is a Black coat with fluff to it with a light green inner dress
Harmony wears a choker necklace and headset as her accessories (worry not she can still hear you ;)