Y esto pasa, cuando un 90's kid (osea yo) crece viendo muchas padorias de Elvis Presley por doquier.
Tuve que habertenido como 11 años cuando vi por primera vez Moomin. Pero todo en lo que pensaba, era que tuvieran por algun motivo una padoria de Elvis y se veia mas o menos asi. Eso es lo bueno de saber dibujar, que ahora puedo hacer todas las cosas locas que imaginaba de pequeño y que aun recuerdo.
Ahora me falta aprender a dibujar Bionicles para dibujarlos como si fueran Dioses del olimpio que segun yo asi los veia a los 12.
Saludos, cuidence mucho, que tengan un gran dia, tarde o noche y sigan dibujando.
~ ° ~
And this happens, when a 90's kid (I mean) grows up seeing many Elvis Presley padorias everywhere.
I must have been like 11 years old when I first saw Moomin. But all she thought about was that they had an Elvis look for some reason and it looked more or less like this. That's the good thing about knowing how to draw, that now I can do all the crazy things that I imagined as a child and that I still remember.
Now I need to learn to draw Bionicles to draw them as if they were Gods of the Olympian that according to me I saw them at 12.
Greetings, take care, have a great day, afternoon or evening and keep drawing.
* Mrs Fillyjonk / Moomin
* Moolvis and art by ME!
3 years, 2 months ago
01 Jan 2022 03:23 CET
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