So welcome again to.. again another start of a concept. As you might allready know, I have a certain interest in videogame creation. I even have an official certificate as a Gamedesigner, thou it is not highly rated... And I even worked for a few weeks at Ubisoft.
Anyways. I am working on a little something and want to actually manage something this coming year. I decided to change the artstyle massivly from my former pixelart attempts. Animation MK 2 And even older Animation MK 1
The point why I change from pixelart to this very toony look is because of efficiency. I noticed, that my new pixelart style is something that is very time consuming. I need around 2 till 3 hours for one single frame. Because of the many try and errors.
Now this toon style is much easyer. Once I have set it up right, I can make another Frame in less than half an hour, making it much more easy to work with it. Also allowing me as an artist to actually make all of the stuff I want to make. Backgrounds, NPCs and stuff. It's just so much wooork.. Besides I also have to make the programming on my own.. Guaaahhh...
Now this is just my first 2 Frames, sort of made into an animation. But the next ones will become better! So let's hope that I will manage something playable untill end of next year.
Ehhh....I kind of liked the Pixleart better...but then again, I grew up in that era of Video Game Art Syle, so I'm probably bias XD . It'll be intresting to see what you do with this style n_n <3 .
Ehhh....I kind of liked the Pixleart better...but then again, I grew up in that era of Video Game Ar