From that day forwards, Take Care and Indy became friends. Neither of them tried to hide their friendship from their families but they still preferred to spend time at the reading spot when they could.
Take Care would bring a different set of books every time they’d come. Eventually, she even convinced Indy that it was ok for him to borrow one till their next visit- Their own little mini library of sorts.
Often times, she’d bring her sketch pad too. She liked to draw, even if she wasn’t that great at it.
She hoped eventually he’d feel comfortable showing her what he could do with his powers, but she understood he liked to use their time together as downtime... where he didn’t have to practice or demonstrate.
One day, a massive caring emergency came in that demanded all the five older Care Bears to leave the Kingdom of Caring for missions. It wasn’t just them needing to go help kids on Earth, they suspected Dark Heart was involved. With no time to make alternate plans, and Indy’s lack of cubsitting experience, Noble Heart conjured, with some effort, a small bus out of clouds and gathered up all the cubs and Take Care to drive to Care-a-Lot.
“You sure you’ve got this?” Asked Noble Heart as he finished getting ready. “This is going easily be triple the amount of cubs.”
“You said yourself that there’s not much choice. Someone’s gotta watch them and I certainly don’t want to go to earth and deal with Dark Heart. The cubs are a breeze compared to that. Plus, Indy will help.”
Noble Heart chuckled and nodded.
“Alright, load up!” Called Take Care. She’d had the forethought to quickly pack two backpacks. One with books she could read to all the cubs and enough crayons and paper so they could draw. In the smaller one, she had each cousin cub pick a couple of snacks and drop them in. Everything from fruit, peanut butter and crackers and pretzels - they could each be so different. She didn’t have time to plan any further, but maybe this would help.
She headed out to the bus, dropping her two backpacks in the seat as she made sure all 10 cubs were on the bus. Then, she took her seat and Noble Heart took off for Care A Lot.
She couldn’t help but be a little nervous as they got closer and closer.
Indy was waiting in the entrance to the Hall of Hearts with True Heart, Grams Bear, Sage Heart and Life Heart Unicorn as they watched the bus approaching.
“Are you sure you can handle this? I can stay and help,” Grams Bear said.
Indy gulped as the bus landed and drove towards the Hall, “I can do this. You said Dark Heart is dangerous so I can do this, with Take Care’s help.”
“That’s fine,” True Heart watched as the bus stopped in front of the Hall of Hearts and Noble Heart and Take Care helped the cousin cubs off the bus.
Playful Heart immediately tried to start showing out by climbing out the window...but Take Care caught him in the act and shot him a look. “Unless you want to be my first one in time out, you’d better rethink that plan.” Take Care warned. He got back in the seat and then walked down the aisle of the bus, down the two steps and out the door.
She looked at Swift Heart... “I’m watching you too. No running off.”
“I know, Take Care. We haven’t been in Care A Lot in a long time. I could get lost or hurt. I’ll be good.”
She nodded and only hoped he would continue to keep that attitude.
“It’s gonna be a long day,” she mumbled to herself as she climbed off the bus.”
“Hey Indy! Hi cubs! Ready for a fun day?”
The bear cubs had only met Take Care once. She’d only met Grams and True Heart once. And she’d never met Sage and Life Heart but she assumed there wouldn’t be much time for introductions.
Indy did his best to smile, “I am,” he looked over his shoulder at the menagerie of colorful cubs behind him. Truthfully he was freaking out quite a bit internally but one thing he had learned about cubsitting was not to let the cubs see him freak out.
“Alright then, everyone inside and we’ll see you later,” True Heart, Sage Heart, Grams and Life Heart hurried past and onto the bus. Life Heat passed a rather thick notepad to Indy.
“Just be careful,” Life Heart said.
It wasn’t long before the bus had taken off and Take Care and Indy had ushered the Bear and Cousins inside the Hall of Hearts, Indy shutting and locking the front door behind them.
Almost as soon as the door shut, Love-a-Lot bear walked up to Indy and Take Care. She looked from one to the other then asked, bluntly, “Is Take Care your girlfriend?”
“We’re just friends.” Indy and Take Care’s respective replies came without any awkwardness or stumbling, shutting down the pink bear’s inquiry right away.
“Aww…” Love-a-Lot pouted.
“Love-a-Lot likes reading love stories whenever True Heart finds them,” Indy said, “I think she drew up a couples chart for the Busytown books.”
“I did! Wanna see?” Love-a-Lot perked up.
“Sure, in just about bit, you go get it while I put my stuff up, ok?”
Love-A-Lot cheered and took off. Take Care walked to the kitchen and put her bags on top of the fridge where the cubs couldn’t reach. Then she had to spend the next few minutes looking at the chart, pretending to have a great interest in it.
Most of the bears and cousins cubs seemed to be trying to figure out what to do... they weren’t used to being around each other.
“You’re a bear... how come you don’t live with us?” Asked one of the yellow bears with a sunshine symbol. She had to think for a second... Sunshine Bear was too obvious of a name... No.... what was it? Funshine... yeah that was it.
“Because I grew up in the forest, Funshine. I was there long before the cousins came. I had no desire to leave it. I like living with the cousins”
“But you’re a bear...”
“And Life Heart is a unicorn but she lives with you guys...” Take Care reminded her.
“Hmmm... hadn’t thought about it that way,” Funshine answered. “Sorry...”
“No apology needed. It was just a question.”
“You guys can all play together for a little while... then we’ll find some other fun stuff to do.” She’d spotted the playroom quickly almost as soon as she walked in. “Cousin cubs... they have a bunch of wooden blocks... why don’t you team up... one bear and one cousin per team and let’s see which team can build the biggest tower without it falling down.”
She turned to Indy as the cubs ran down the short hallway. “Do they have a daily routine or schedule, anything I should know?”
Indy watched the cousins and cubs run off and almost immediately start dividing up to make a big tower. Love Heart Bear and Brave Heart Lion immediately teaming up.
“Let’s see,” Indy looked at the notepad Life Heart had handed him, “I know they lie down for a nap after lunch… 1:00pm naptime, snack at 3:30pm… Right now is playroom time.” He looked up from the notepad, “She wrote this for me just in case I had to watch them alone for a while.”
“Well... that’s convenient... at least I got the first one right....” she chuckled.
She lowered her voice a bit, but with all the noise the cubs were making they probably wouldn’t have heard her anyway. “I brought crayons, coloring books and paper in case we need a quieter activity for later. And since the cousins can be kinda picky, I let them pick and bring their own snacks. Also brought my first aid kit, just in case you find any rocks to drop on your foot again.” She smiled, as she was teasing him on the last part.
Indy couldn’t help but chuckle, “You’re never going to let me forget that are you?”
It didn’t take long for towers to start falling, meaning the teams were out. Once they were out, they seemed to automatically find another team to cheer for. Soon, all that remained were Bright Heart and Grumpy, Love Heart and Brave Heart, and Wish Bear and Gentle Heart.
Love Heart and Brave Heart were building too eagerly, both reach up to put a block on top at the same time and knocked the tower over, Love Heart and Brave Heart both stared at the pile of blocks on the ground, Love Heart even kicking one in frustration.
Grumpy and Bright Heart were more methodical in their approach and soon they had a two block lead on Gentle Heart and Wish. Gentle Heart paused as she had to stand on tip-toes to try and stack on top of their wobbly tower. She hesitated, and in that moment, Grumpy accidentally stepped on one of the base blocks, knocking the tower over.
“We won!” Wish Bear jumped up in triumph, accidentally bumped into Gentle Heart who accidentally knocked the tower over.
Gentle Heart stared at the tower right as Indy and Take Care entered the playroom to check up on them. She turned to Take Care, “I’m sorry, I wanted you to see our tower.” Gentle Heart looked like she was about to cry.
“Ohh, it’s ok Little One...” Take Care hugged her. “You two still won, and I’m very proud of you. Plus, I think we should have one more round of this game.”
She turned to the full group. “Everyone switch up partners and let’s do it one more time. Then you can have free play until lunch.”
“This way I can see your next tower,” she smiled at Gentle Heart.”
“I didn’t mean to bump her... I was just excited we won. I’m sorry Gene Heart.” Wish Bear spoke softly, afraid she’d be in trouble.
“I know that..” Take Care answered. She ruffled Wish Bear’s head fur.
“You two go find partners... quick...”
Soon they were all teamed up again.
This time Grumpy and Loyal Heart were teamed up together and ended up being the winners.
“Ok... pick up the blocks, unless some of you still want to play with them, and you can have free play.”
Used to sticking fairly close and supervising the cubs, Take Care sat down against the wall by the door to keep an eye on things. With this many cubs, there was going to be mischief and bickering at some point. It would take a miracle for there not to be...
She looked up at Indy who was still standing... “figured the game would give them a chance to get to know each other again as they haven’t been around each other much. Plus, it builds on teamwork skills a bit.”
“It does,” Indy nodded then whispered to Take Care, “Thanks for the help, honestly I’m trying not to freak out with all this responsibility.”
She shrugged... “It’s no problem. I’m used to it... I find that coming up with games and activities for them to do helps. Making sure they know who is in charge is important. The cousins know my limits... doesn’t mean they won’t test me... but they do know where I draw the line. I don’t have that luxury with the bears. Our biggest issue is going to be any mischief they come up with and getting them all down for a nap. Well.. that... and lunch.” She seemed almost nervous over the idea of making lunch. He’d sat down beside her at this point and she looked over at him.
“So.... How good of a cook are you? I am not looking forward to having to prepare lunch for all these guys... I can barely handle cooking for the cousins. As crazy as it sounds... I can cook over an open fire way better than I can a stove. I hate it. I burned my hand again last night. It still hurts....”
It was then that Indy noticed the bandage she had around it for the first time. He guessed he’d been a little too freaked out about cub sitting to notice.
“I can make soup and sandwiches. They taught me how to use a knife carefully, probably so I won’t cut myself by mistake when I get a real sword, so I can help make a lunch tray, or heat up soup.” Indy suddenly froze, “Wait…” He suddenly darted off.
Swift Heart had been doing his best to behave, but he just couldn’t stay still. He had watched until Take Care was distracted talking to Indy and every other cub was making enough noise to cover him before he bolted for the playroom door. He only managed to take three high speed steps before Indy intercepted him and scooped him off the ground.
“Hey!” Swift Heart kicked his legs.
“You can’t go off exploring on your own, I got lost in here the first couple weeks I lived here and you don’t know your way around.” Indy chided the rabbit.
Take Care was up and following him out the door quickly.
“Swift Heart Rabbit...... what did we talk about?”
They stepped back into the playroom where Indy put him down. Take Care immediately grabbed his paw before he could take off again. He tried to pull away but her grip tightened.
“I....” there was no excuses that was ever going to work and he knew it. “I’ll go take a time out....”
She pointed to the corner of the room nearest them. He trudged over, and sat down facing the wall, sighing.
“How did you do that?” She asked Indy. “How did you know he’d gotten out?”
“I didn’t ‘know’ at least not that it was Swift Heart,” Indy tapped the side of his head, “It’s that sixth sense I told you about. I knew there was danger and where it was as it was about to happen but until I grabbed Swift Heart I didn’t know it was him. I just knew I had to act on it or something bad would happen.”
“Well... that could make this cub sitting gig even easier....” she smiled. “And I’m officially hiring you for lunch food prep.”
Ten minutes later, she let Swift Heart out of time out after having a talk with him. No sooner did she finish that, until she saw Birthday Bear trying to climb on one of the bookhelves. “Indy....” But neither one of them would be able to get to the cub in time, the shelf would easily fall. She tried anyway and took off running for the other side of the room. Too late. It was tipping over and Birthday Bear screamed in fear.
Indy only had a moment, the sixth sense flash in his mind was too late he shot out his hands. Birthday bear still fell but the bookshelf halted at a 45-degree angle. The books started to fall out but Indy grabbed each one in his telekinesis as they fell out until half the books were floating in the air in front of the bookcase. Birthday Bear hit the ground and started to cry as Take Care scooped him up and away from the bookcase.
“Get away from bookcase!” Indy shouted. He didn’t have the precision to push the books back into place so once Take Care had pulled Birthday out of danger and the cubs backed away Indy let the books fall and pushed the bookshelf back into an upright position.
Everyone in the room seemed to freeze. Birthday Bear wailed in fear. Take Care held him against her and rubbed his back.
“Is he ok?” Asked Treat Heart in concern. Apparently she’d made a new friend today and she was clearly worried about him.
The little guy showed no signs of letting up in his cries and Take Care knew that fussing at him wasn’t going to help. They’d need to have a talk about what had happened but not while he was this upset. She sat down in a nearby chair with him.
“Hey.... did anything hit you?” She asked him.
He shook his head. He was crying too hard to speak.
He continued sobbing.
“He’ll be ok,” Take Care answered Treat Heart’s question. “He got incredibly lucky that we saw it when we did. The experience scared him, as it should.” It had frightened her as well. Her own heart was still pounding. If that bookshelf had fallen on him, they’d be dealing with much worse injuries than her first aid kit could help with.
She looked up at Indy, “Nice work. Thank you for holding it back.”
She patted Birthday’s back. “You’re ok, little guy... thanks to Indy.”
Indy swiped his forehead in relief, “No problem, as long as Birthday’s alright.”
“Is that your psy…phy sick?” Loyal Heart asked.
Indy nodded, “Yes but that was more draining than I thought. Is everyone else alright?”
A chorus of yesses greeted him, to his relief and Indy walked over to the bookcase to start picking up the books by hand.
Bright Heart eyes him curiously “Why don’t you just push them back in with your mind?” though it was the first time he had seen Indy do this, Bright Heart quickly figured out what it was.
“I’m not that… precise yet,” Indy began putting the books back on the shelf, “I could only shove it back so it didn’t fall and nothing else fell out.
“Can you make us fly!?” Playful Heart jumped over, getting in front of Indy.
“No! I could seriously hurt you if I did that!” Indy’s voice was a bit harsh but at the looks of some of the Care Bear Cubs, Take Care figured out he had probably been asked to do that a few times before.
“Playful Heart... his powers weren’t given to him in order to entertain you. Back to playing guys.... and quit pestering Indy. He’s a bit busy putting the books back.”
It took several more minutes but Birthday Bear began to calm down. He finally looked up at her. “I guess that wasn’t such a good idea?”
“Oh really... Why do you say that?” It was a cross between the sarcasm she could be famous for and a genuine question...wanting to make sure he knew the error of his ways.
Indy gave her a bit of a sideways glance, but she wasn’t paying attention.
“I..... almost got hurt.” Birthday Bear answered.
She nodded.
“And... I made a REALLY big mess...”
She nodded again. “Why were you climbing up there in the first place?”
“I wanted a book but it was too high to reach.”
“What should you have done instead?”
“Asked Indy to get it... or you...”
She nodded. “You could have been seriously hurt. That wouldn’t have been just a scratch or a bump. That shelf was heavy and it would have really hurt if it had fallen on you. If you need help reaching something, ask me. Don’t EVER do something like that again.”
He nodded hanging his head a bit. “I’m sorry...”
“I appreciate that. But Indy’s the one who’s currently cleaning up the mess, so you really owe him an apology. And a thank you for making sure that shelf didn’t fall on you,” she answered.
Birthday Bear nodded, “thanks for holding me and making sure I was ok.” He hugged her.
“Didn’t get the name Take Care Bear for nothing...” she smiled at him. “Now... go talk to Indy.”
He nodded, hopped out of her lap and headed towards Indy.
Indy stood on his toes to put a book away and looked down to see Birthday standing at his feet and staring at the floor, “I’m sorry Indy.”
Indy smiled and reached down to ruffle the yellow bear’s head, “As long as you’re safe, sorry and you don’t do it again. If you want to help hand the books to me so I don’t have to keep bending over.”
“OK,” Birthday seemed to be eager to make amends so started picking up the books and handing them to Indy as he stocked them back on the shelf.
It didn’t take much longer to get the books back on the shelf, and Indy stood back to check the spines, “I think that’s the right order.”
Birthday pulled on Indy’s leg then put his hands on his stomach when the silver bear looked down at him, “Indy, I’m hungry.”
Indy looked up at the clock that had been hung up high on the wall, “11:45, Lunch time?” his question was greeted with a chorus from every cub in the room, “OK, I’ll get it started, Take Care can you get them to the tables? I think there’s spare chairs in the hall closet for the cousins.” He headed for the kitchen to get lunch started.
“Will do... but we’re not leaving the playroom looking like a tornado hit it. It’s clean up time guys....”
There were several groans of protests from the bears, but the cousins pretty much went straight to work knowing Take Care was serious. The bears followed their lead, and Take Care helped. Once things were mostly straightened they all went to wash their hands and then headed for the dining room.
“Can I help you with the chairs?” Asked Loyal Heart.
Take Care nodded. “That would be great, buddy.” He grabbed one, scooting it down the hall and into the dining room and passing it to Cozy Heart.
“Ladies first... Noble Heart taught us that!”
Take Care chuckled, “very nice.”
Soon enough chairs were acquired and everyone was situated at the tables.
Take Care joined Indy in the kitchen... “need any help?”
Indy was working up furiously in the kitchen, he stopped the chopping and turned to face her once the knife was still, “Dump that into the strainer in the sink,” he pointed to the boiling pot of water on the stove then went back to chopping.
As Take Care carefully picked up the boiling pot and transported it to the sink, she watched how fast Indy was chopping up carrots, and then oranges into slices a bit too fast for her to follow. She dumped the water into the strainer and saw it was full of celery chunks.
“Raw celery tastes nasty and takes forever to chew, this is the only way they’ll eat it,” Indy said.
“Swift Heart will eat any raw vegetable,” Take Care said as she shook the colander to drain the water.
Indy laughed, “Well he is a rabbit.”
“Well, True,” she smiled. She was thankful she wasn’t having to chop or cook. He seemed to have the chopping and soup making under control.
“I’ll work on sandwiches.” she spoke up, checking the fridge. There were several different lunch meats and cheeses and the bread was in the bread box on the counter. Pulling everything out, she set to work on the counter opposite of him to make sure she wasn’t in his way. Grabbing a smaller knife, she cut the sandwiches in half diagonally, making them into a triangle shape.
The soup in the other pot was just chicken noodle from pre-made packages. Indy checked it as he finished up the last plates of fruit and vegetables. It only took a few more minutes to make sure everything was done and they loaded up the food trolleys with lunch. Indy set the soup pot next to a small pile of bowls on one and the two of them wheeled the food into the dining room.
“Nice work...” she praised.
Soon, all the cubs were served and happily eating and talking amongst themselves. Take Care and Indy took the taller table, where the adults normally sat and had their meal there. They were mostly quiet, focused on eating and keeping an eye on all the cubs - for any disagreements, mischief, or anyone wanting a second helping.
By some miracle, no fights broke out during the meal. It was after the meal when they had to put them down for a nap that things got insane. Indy was able to pull out the sleeping mats to line the playroom without much fuss but when he announced, “Alright cubs, naptime.” They seemed to gain a burst of energy they had to burn off.
Even with his sixth sense Indy couldn’t be everywhere at once, it actually made his head ache as he couldn’t shut it off as every cub did their best to get out of naptime. Swift Heart taking off through the halls and Playful climbing over the couch were just the two most prominent examples. Only Loyal Heart and Gentle Heart went straight to lie down for a nap.
Take Care had been trying to clean up the lunch mess, but quickly figured out it would have to wait. After scolding the cousins for acting out and trying to drive Indy crazy she had a thought.
“What about a story? She asked them all. She knew there was almost no chance the cubs were going to settle without it... at least not the cousins. They were just too used to it.
“Charlotte’s Web!!!” Called the cousins.
Take Care nodded. “We can do that, but we’ll have to start back at the beginning” The cousins didn’t seem to mind this idea a bit.
“What’s Charlotte’s Web?” Asked Cheer Bear.
“One of the best stories ever...” answered Treat Heart, “about a pig and a spider and friendship.”
“Everyone on your mats and I will go and get it.” They were still a bit reluctant... Playful bounced up and down near his before practically dive bombing onto it.
Swift Heart tried to make another run for it when she exited.... but she caught him. He really was wound up. So she bent down to his level and made a suggestion. “Tell you what... I might need some help reaching that backpack... think you could give me a hand?” He nodded.
Truth be told, she didn’t need a bit of help, it was simply a way to let him use up a bit more energy and maybe he’d settle down a bit.
Swift Heart and Playful Heart both loved to try and climb things, but it was rare that she actually gave them permission. This time though, she watched him closely as he hopped up up on the counter and then climbed on top of the fridge.
“Which one?”
“The blue one...”
“Ready?” He asked.
He tossed it down to her.
“Can you catch me too?” He asked.
“I probably could... why don’t you climb back down the way you came.”
“Oh... ok...” a couple of careful hops and he was back down to the floors. But she’d been standing right there, just in case. “That was fun.”
“Good.” He looked up at her, with a question on his mind. She could tell. “What’s on your mind?”
“Take Care.... Why did you guys get upset with me earlier but you’re letting me climb now?”
“Because earlier you snuck off without permission which is dangerous. This was a helpful way for you to get some energy out and I knew where you were and could make sure you did not get hurt.”
“Ohhh... yeah... that makes sense...”
They headed back to the playroom. She heard a lot of voices and talking and hoped nothing too crazy was happening. Thankfully Indy had managed to keep the kids, if not calm, at least in the playroom while Take Care had fetched the book, answering questions from the cousins about what he did, as the bears had informed them that Indy often disappeared during the day to go off with Sage Heart and Life Heart. He thankfully didn’t have to say much before Take Care returned.
He sighed in relief, “I’ll leave naptime to you while I get lunch cleaned up.”
Swift Heart went straight to his mat and lay down calmly... at least as calmly as he ever did things.
“No problem...” she told Indy as he hurried towards the door. Normally she had to get 10 cubs down and then clean up the lunch mess, so this was like a break for her. She loved reading anyway and would get to introduce a new book to the bear cubs. It was a win-win for her.
“Alright... everyone settled? Lie down guys...let your imaginations decide what the characters and the scenes look like as I read.” She flipped off the overhead lights; she could use the light from The windows to read by. She sat on the floor as close to the middle of the room as she could get so that everyone would be able to hear and there would be no complaints. “Here we go...”
They were off on an adventure, with a book that she has read hundreds of times, and the cousins had heard multiple times. She gave different characters different voices and read with enthusiasm. The more focused the cubs became on listening to her read, the more calm they became. One by one, they began to relax and drift off to sleep.
After every chapter, she would pause and look up to see if anyone was still awake. By the time she finished the third chapter, there was only one. A little lamb who could never get enough of the story... just like her big sister, Take Care. Ironically, she was also just two mats over from where Take Care was sitting. Take Care carefully and quietly moved over to the cub and began rubbing her back as she quietly read the fourth chapter. Soon, the little lamb closed her eyes, being unable to resist a nap any longer. “Sleep tight Gentle Heart...” Take Care whispered as she marked her place and closed the book.
She got up, took a quiet lap around the room just to make sure all of them really were sleeping (she’d been fooled a few times and had learned that lesson) before quietly leaving the room and closing the door behind her. She went looking for Indy to see if he needed any help but since nearly thirty minutes had passed, she suspected he’d be nearly done.
Indy had gathered up all the dishes and was just in the middle of washing the last set, placing it in the massive drying tray to drain into the sink. He heard Take Care enter the kitchen as he places the last plate in the tray and drained the sink. He swiped his forehead, sweating from the heat of the sink’s water.
“Are they all asleep?” he whispered.
“Yeah... they’re all out. I’d say it’s a well earned break for us. Though we should probably stick fairly close in case someone wakes up.”
Indy nodded and retrieved two large water bottles from the fridge, “Want to step outside? It’s too hot in here right now.”
“Yeah... that sounds good.” She answered, taking the water bottle he passed her. “Thanks. Cub sitting 10 is crazy enough... glad I don’t have all of them everyday. They’re cute... but whew... it’s a handful.”
Indy and Take Care leaned up against the front door of the Hall of Hearts, both all but chugging their water to rehydrate after the exhausting morning. They stood in silence, mostly letting the breeze cool them off in silence.
Indy was the first to speak, “So, what do you think you’re going to do when the cubs grow up?” He didn’t really wait for Take Care to reply before he continued, “I know what I’m going to do, I’m going to protect them.” He squeezed his water bottle, thankfully empty enough that it didn’t spill, “I want to be strong enough to stop Dark Heart, or anyone else from hurting them, no matter what.” He relaxed, “I mean… I know I have a choice but I don’t think I can help kids on earth. I can barely share my feelings with anyone other than you, not sure I could do the same for a bunch of strangers I have to meet every day.” He took another gulp out of the water bottle.
“Noble Heart and I have talked about it. He’s tried to get me interested in taking missions... but it doesn’t really work. I’d need to train with him and we can’t exactly do that and leave 10 cubs at home. Plus... I have no interest in it. I don’t know what happened to me before I ended up in the forest, but I definitely think humans caused it. I’d never really contemplated it before, but after meeting the cousins and being adopted into the family, it left me wondering what happened to my first family. I just have this strange feeling they were probably killed by humans, though I don’t remember anything.”
“I understand the idea is for the Care Bear Family to help humans, but who’s going to help our family when we get sick or hurt?”
He looked over at her and she nodded. “Yeah... I am. My goal is to become a doctor. I’m not sure how we’re going to work it out yet, but I’ve got to do it. Meanwhile, I’m reading anything I can get my hands on and trying to learn everything I can. It’s not going to be easy, but I’ve got to do it.”
Indy smiled, “I know you can do it, Take Care, especially after how I saw you in action today. Looks like we both have rough roads ahead.”
“Thanks,” She chuckled, “you’re not so bad yourself with that sixth sense kicking in the way it did to keep Swift Heart safe and keeping that bookcase from crushing Bedtime. I think you are well on your way to protecting us all.”
“Thanks you too,” they clunked their bottles together in a makeshift toast before they finished them and returned inside, just in case the cubs decided to wake up.