A picture I got to commemorate the first big arc of :linkNextGenAnubisKid:'s D&D game.
In the first exciting chapter Legends From Larkanum: Tales of the New Horizon Era, a colourful adventuring party form to investigate an insidious alchemist cult after they attacked a peaceful festival on Moonlight Island. Our rag-tag bunch of plucky heroes confronted the cunning chapter leader Iustum, who was unashamedly trying to impress the head of the Crucible cult and thus sentenced to horny jail for his crimes.
Now the adventurers travel the world to make good on favours they promised, explore their backstories and hopefully put a stop to the Crucible's schemes in other parts of Larkanum!
Igni the Kobold is :linkTelokey-the-bat:’s druid Rokuro Hideki, the Monk and his Astral Self, and the scenario are mine Lily Baker is :linkdeviantstyle:’s sorcerer Ankh of Nekheb is https://www.deviantart.com/eldritch-shambler ‘s Bard Trayvian Merlin is :linkTrevHart~:’s rogue Takahashi the ronin is :linkCathyJaws:’s fighter Iustum and Haka belong to the DM, :nextgenanubiskid: