Both Sydney ad TJ went to do some groceries. TJ's parents had insisted but they compromised by baking the cake. The list wasn't that extensive anyways: some chicken salads TJ found particularly pleasing. Humble as he was, even his birthday wasn't that much of a fest day.
Still, they bought some beer nuts and other extremely salty snacks for Sydney to indulge in.
"Babe, I love how considerate you are, but this feels like a feasts for my birthday" Sydney kissing TJ's cheek, "I want to spoil and pamper you like you so righteously deserve."
"Well, you can do that" TJ paused, looking around, before deeming the place was sufficiently empty "in the bedroom."
"Naughty kitty, I might have to spank you..."
TJ bit his lip, trying to control himself at the wonderful prospect.
The cashier was probably homophobic, but if he was Sydney's verbally tearing down his weight insecurities and incelness drove the man to tears. TJ thought it was a bit mean, but Sydney reassured him he worded his insults in a way that Jenna told him would provide constructive criticism. TJ called Jenna and she agreed, albeit not without subtly insulting Sydney.
At the car Sydney wasted no time playing with his beloved's hair tufts, both on the cheeks and on the ears.
"Nom nom nom" Sydney nommed at TJ's ears.
"Sydney!" TJ laughed, and turned around to boop at the otter's nose.
"You taste like fluffy" Sydney said, and booped TJ back.
"Well, you taste like" TJ paused, and after some consideration he decided to tilt his eyebrows sexily.
"Oh my God, what are you and what have you done with my Christian bf!?" Sydney said, trying to hold back laughter.
"He simply is more comfortable with himself, thanks to a cute otter helping him be himself" TJ sad, a bit more on brand, passing his paw softly across Sydney's arm, "Also don't take the lord's name in vain."
Sydney felt a want in his heart and kissing the love of his life passtionately, and the both just stood together for a while, cuddling each other.
"We might want to get back" TJ said sadly, "the salads have a limited shelf-life."
"I know, and I'm hoping we can get to your bedroom soon" Sydney said huskily.
"Silly Syd, we can't have sex with my ma and pa at home!" TJ stuck his tongue out, "Though I'm yours completely tonight."
"You know babe, I thought this was your birthday."
"Oh, it is. But you know me, I like to give back.."