When Roza's master cook is not in her kitchen, she takes holidays on tropical islands. One day, she had a curious meeting with an anteater - it was love at first sight. Instantly, they got along very well. This may be due to the demi-dragon/Shark’s “cutie” appearance, but their personalities were also the cause. This is how a friendship began to form little by little.
The evening they met, they settled down in a bar. Adamios offered a drink to Roza. She accepted gladly, even if it was a bad idea. She had difficulty controlling herself under the influence of alcohol. A few moments later, the two found themselves in a curious state of mind. Even worse, some people found the interaction between the two to be funny.
In a state of wellness, Roza and Ada were a little hot and bothered. They began to caress each other and allowed themselves to be carried away. Soon, they were kissing. Roza did not suspect that Adamios had a peculiar way of showing his affection until it was too late. Adamios, driven by his emotions, blew a powerful lung full of air into the small pink creature before she could react. The air rushed into her throat without resistance while she was so relaxed by the alcohol. The air rushed through various parts of her body and stretched the dragon’s form.
Roza experienced this new sensation through her skin and body as it strained under the pressure. Her body and patterns widened as Adam’s breath filled Roza until her body knocked over the furniture in the bar. She felt her limbs sinking into her rounding form; She felt the air rush inside of her and she felt a wonderful indescribable persistent pressure along with the sounds of her body swelling. She blushed with this surprise.
“Swollen with love,” Rozalia eventually filled the room. Adamios admired her for a moment, but had other plans for her. He took her tail like a rope and guided her into his bedroom to show her more affection for her.
Their friendship seemed to grow~
I am trapped, I feel the walls of my body stretched and become sensitive to each breath of the ant ... I was no longer in control of the situation. It only took a few minutes before my whole body was exposed to a complete continent ~
The situation seems to be out of control ... Adamios' love is without limit?
In any case, the sensations are indescribable~
A lot of time passing ... with the sounds of stretching of the body ... the capacity to my skin of regenerated to have resulted in several layers of skin ... pushing thus my limits ... the sensations could not to be described, and could only be felt, my thoughts were fogged by more and more insistent sensations throughout my body ... the spatial decompression was active ... Ada surely admired the view ~
And if the universe was limitless? ...