animator igor invited antholupus to enjoy christmas toguether with the rest of the pals, so the crew goes to near a christmas tree on a snowy taiga and started to having fun toguether. animator igor and his dad antholupus are enjoying a beautiful father and son moment and astraligor was there because he has now an grandpa to admire, astranooki and astraskunk are sitting next to each other and holding hands like how they're good 'friends' toguether, reddie is laying down on the white snow doing the old "hi stranger" meme and agillion has taken off his underwear and started to streak down to the taiga very crazy cuz he has never skipped leg day on his royal maned wolf life. after sitting down at the christmas tree aninator igor said to his dad while gives to him an gift "merry christmas dad, here, i made this for you" *gives to antholupus a gift* "what is it son?" said antholupus, "open and find out", "ok *opens the christmas present* aww thanks son, it's an loincloth with my clan's emblem, i love it son", "hey gramps, here's my gift *gives to his new grandpa a house made gift* here, open and discover" said astraligor "ok *opens astraligor's gift* huh? what is that?" asked antholupus very confused, "it's a bunch of dolls i made for us but i also made your doll, i hope you liked it cuz i made dolls based on the animator pals which means us" explained astraligor, "thank you champ and happy holidays", "aww thanks guys" said astraligor while hugging both his dad and grandpa. and so, the animator pals are enjoying christmas toguether, not a team of pals... but great friends they are.
======================================================= i wanted to do this cuz i got this idea thanks to a friend that has given me the concept. also no winkies are showing there cuz it's a SFW art so don't worry.