1 - Everything went well during the evening. But inadvertently a potion fell on me. I did not know the effects...the answer Vikkie had given me to my interrogation, did not reassure me It was then that I felt a strange sensation traveling through my body.
2 - The effects did not delay. It was necessary a few moments so that I notice that my skin color had changed. The phase of transformation had begun ... with growing excitements.
I felt more and more stretched in all directions. My body grew through my clothes according to my expansion and transformation. My clothes were torn not having resisted my size ... I felt a little heavier but strangely I supported my additional weight
3 - A few minutes passed and the transformation seemed finished. Goodbye my former body D: I had acquired new senses and new capacity. I had a new tail that my brain seemed to deny its existence.
Other annoying discovery, I had not the same sex ... Will there be long-term side effects? Only the time, will say it... How am I going to explain it to my friends?
''maybe 99%.....Are you kidding me Vikkie?! o///o''