Here is Boom version of Mizukawa. I tried my best to draw to make difference with her fins between Boom and Mainstream.
In this universe she comes from the ocean of Haru Islands. The island resembles Japan. "Haru" means "spring" in Japanese. Although I struggled to choose Between "Haru" and "Aki" (Japanese word for "Autumn/Fall") Japan is one of the countries that has the most beautiful Autumn and Spring colours of the leaves and flowers.
Like her mainstream counterpart, she is naive and curious. And Mizu and her breed/kind age slower than humans. Like gnomes do.
I can imagine she interacts with Pokey and Hokey the jellyfishes from Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric, knowing the stories about Lyric the Last Ancient. And when she in Bygone Island, I bet she is even curious about Fuzzy Puppy games.