yes indeed,very funny talented ventriloquist,tv show host,and voice actor.Had the pleasure to meet his daughter,April at the Orange County(CA) fair years ago,back when she had her own talk radio show on KFIAM 640(more stimulating talk radio^^)and did a live remote there. Got to talk to her,got a picture taken with her,and helped her get stuff back to her car,even e-mailed me an encouraging message when i was diagnosed with brain cancer a year later. very nice lady^^
yes indeed,very funny talented ventriloquist,tv show host,and voice actor.Had the pleasure to meet
sigh yeah....are the voice actors for Cubbi and Sunni still around? I read that one of the ones for Cavin(R.J Williams) is doing well as a producer in hollywood and for Gusto(Paul Rugg) has been famous for doing many voices including Rapheal in the original TMNT cartoon,Freakazoid,and Yakko in Animaniacs
sigh yeah....are the voice actors for Cubbi and Sunni still around? I read that one of the ones