Even in the far future, cute raccoon just can't stay out of trouble. Especially where kinky cats are involved. Meet Robyn, the distant descendant of Rutger and Faye! Let's see what she is up to...
The assignment was supposed to be a quick and easy in-orbit maintenance job. Pretty much the space equivalent of roadside assistance, something a trainee mechanic like Robyn Hiland could easily handle. If only she knew who had called her in, and under what pretences… “Hello? Miss… Tessa Young? You called for repairs?” The raccoon called out, having floated from her shuttlecraft to the airlock of the imposing Babylon-class craft. A slender feline figure in a tight purple flight suit came down the cargo bay stairs. “That would be me~ And you would be Robyn then? Welcome~” Tessa went over how her computer kept pointing her to a mysterious mechanical fault in a maintenance panel on the hull, but during the explanation Robyn could not help but feel the cat woman kept getting into her personal space, and perhaps sounded a little disingenuous. Still, a job was a job, and the raccoon was about to gather her tools when her client struck.
“Allright, let’s head outside then to see what’s making a f- uhmmph!” The mechanic got a balled-up scarf shoved into her mouth, that quickly got sealed inside with a strip of nanite-tape. “Whmmthhll!?” “What’s the matter? Don’t like Tillian silk gags~?” Tessa purred, using more tape to start binding the raccoon’s arms. “And this tape can moor star cruisers to asteroids! That should hold you!” The mischievous mercenary put on her helmet, pressed the button to reactivate Robyn’s holographic suit and then slung the ringtail over her shoulder. “Let’s go look at the problem shall we~?”
Using the miniature thrusters in her boots, Tessa floated around her ship, holding onto the toolbox with her tail and continuing to bind Robyn into a snug ball, despite the latter’s muffled protests. “Easy there, firebrand~ Your suit is still transmitting everything you’re trying to say!” “Mphcmmhrs mhmmh! Phs ffh mmrdklmmphh!” The raccoon tried to complain through the silk stuffing in her mouth, finding the entire situation humiliating, although she did feel something else… Was she getting excited? “Lmmphgmmh!” Frustrated, she kicked at her captor, who had started fidgeting with the maintenance panel like she didn’t just bind and gag the mechanic she hired for just that purpose. Unfortunately, the raccoon missed completely with her hobbled legs, and started to drift away from the IMS Ishtar. “Mh-hm… hmmmlph? Hmmmlph!?” “Tsk tsk~” Tessa tutted and drifted after her captive.
“Clumsy girl~ Perhaps I ought to teach you how to use your hover boots while restrained~?” The perverted mercenary chuckled, approaching Robyn with eager hand gestures. “I suppose I can take an evening to teach you~”
Robyn Hiland and Tessa Young are my OC's Art by BHawk