Here comes the Terrible Trio… or would Trouble Trio be a better one? Either way, say hello to Carreta Amoré and her two loyal underlings Tina and Gina Laffa. These three fanged femme fatales can be recognized by their signature entrance; Carreta walks in with confidence while the twins hype her entrance, call her a genius, and make clear that she isn’t going to waste time on some small fry. Though there’s one trio of guys that they love to mess with.
Carreta (Cheetah):This sexy spotted feline is the roughest toughest brawler around. Her time is usually spent beating people up, leading gangs, bullying and much more. Even her attempts at talking sexy and seductive sounds more like a threat than affection. This is especially bad for Cedric, who she’s taken quite the shine to ever since he accidentally flattered her. To be clear, he was scared out of his wits when it happened. Whenever she sees him, she dashes after him so fast she leaves smoke trails in her image as she pounces on him.
“Pucker up, Ced. I’m gonna smooch ya pretty face off~.”
Tina (Left Hyena):Out of the entire trio, Tina is the most talkative and sassy. She isn’t afraid to insult people to their faces, and she’ll gladly back up her mouthiness with violence if need be. She and her sisters are notorious pranksters, so when they appear people run for the hills. She’s nice to very few people, the only two known individuals are Carreta and Oliver. The latter because she actually has a bit of a weakness for nerds. They drive her wild and eager for a good smooch.
“C’mere long ears, I want me some femboy lovin’~.”
Gina (Right Hyena):Unlike her sister, this gal doesn’t have too much to say most of the time. She prefers to let her actions speak for her, oftentimes using hand gestures, facial expressions, and howling laughter to get her point across. And when she DOES talk, it’s usually only short sentences with about 1-5 words in them. But it’s pretty clear what she thinks of Bartleby, given her intense love of big strong tough guys. As soon as she sees the porcine beefcake, she’s all over him before you can say HEEHEHEEHEE!