"Well, Just You Wait!" was a Soviet, later Russian, animated series. The series follows the comical adventures of Wolf (Волк), trying to catch – and presumably eat - Hare (Заяц). It features additional characters that usually either help the hare or interfere with the Wolf's plans. In one episode called "Olympics" Wolf follows Hare in the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow and messes things up. He meets the champion of boxing, who happenes to be a hare as well... but while the main character is somewhat feminine and or girly, THIS hare is a hyper-trained, musclebound athlete. He enjyos to flex his guns in the ring and Wolf gulps, realizing he is in troubles again...
That scene inspired redsilver redsilver for this wonderful image. I just LOVE the smooth lines and the toony, yet sensual bulk of hare muscles... I want to kiss that massive lats <3