From a dream I had a week ago
Inside of a mall there is a VR machine attached to this rotating carousel where you can deposit ashes, and if you do that, it supposedly takes your soul and merges it with a virtual counterpart. Since it is so advanced, expanding on reality for all users, it is called a VU, a virtual universe. When you put the mantle on, you are put into the VU. I was on some kind of beach with swirly rock formations. The first person I saw there was a knight with these long, pointed shoulder armor. He was quiet but very friendly. I saw some other people too and they were really outgoing and happy. The VU was so immersive, it even stimulated the senses. The wind was cold. I found out I looked like a floating orange/red silhouette of a demon, oni, or jack o lantern mask. Up a hill alongside the side of one of the massive rocks was floating golden text reading RESERVIST, the developer. The other people and I went to the portal and entered it.
3 years, 2 months ago
23 Nov 2021 23:46 CET
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