It's been so long since i watched some of Sonic X episodes and some comic issues of it. It may has its flaws but actually a good anime. Even though I'm more into Sonic Boom (despite it's flaws)
This meme belongs to cherryflareblitz (sadly it's gone and deactivated from Deviantart)
Favorite characters:
Sonic and his friends (Tails, Amy Rose, Knuckles, Cream, Cheese, even Big the Cat) I admit I'm okay with Chris Thorndyke. I understand why many or some people don't like him because of stuff besides being the focus. To me, I already tolerate him despite I can see why some people have problems with him. I tolerate him way more so than his pesky uncle.
Honorable mentions: Cosmo the Seedrian, Rouge the Bat, Shadow the Hedgehog, Helen the girl on wheelchair
Despised Character: Sam Speed. Man, I hate that asshole with a burning passion. He is just as annoying, nasty, spoiled, spiteful, obnoxious, unlikable, manipulative, bullying and insane manchild who only gives a shit about winning and he never seems to get severe karma after all the shit he has done. He's just as bad as Swifty the Shrew from Sonic Boom TV series. He really wounds the anime but at least he doesn't appear in so many episodes but still, he is the worst character in the anime. Man, I really felt bad Chris for having an uncle like that and I also feel sorry for Lindsay for having a brother like that. I have no idea why and how is he considered to be Sonic's friend and I have no idea what everyone sees in him including AMy who seems to have a thing for him. He's always a jerk to Sonic and he never plays fair evertime Sonic races that phycho cop. The fact is the the cheif of the police and the leader of Speed Team. No one is safe when he is around. I wish his teammates whould turn against him. He's also a Gary Stu. A real spoiled brat.
Favorite Season: Hard to choose
Despised season: None
Overrated character: None
Underrated character: None
Favorite villain: Eggman
Despised villain: I don't think I remember. Maybe those guy in some organization in the comics.
Favorite couple: Sonamy
Despised couple: Samamy (Sam X Amy) Seriously, I don't understand why Amy is dating that asshole after what Sam has done.
Favorite Episode: Hard to choose. Some and many are interesting.
Despised Episode: "Fast Friends" and "A date to forget".
Fast friends: Man, Sam really is aggravating and the episode is insufferable and boring. And Sam never gets severely punished in the end. Plus, the race is so annoying and terrible.
A date to forget: Man, I totally blame the writers for making that nasty episode and I blame them for portraying Sonic and Amy like that. Even the ending of that, it makes my blood boil, like I said I blame the writers, not those two hedgies and I will not take my anger on the two. The both really are friends and understood they meant well. Amy may be hotheaded but she really understands why Sonic loves freedom and running. Even before that epiosde came along. It felt like the episode really wants to make Sam Speed look so good and make him look like he understands Sonic more than Amy does, which is very manipualtive. Like I said before, I have no idea why Sonic is being friends with Sam and why Amy is dating him after everything that manchild has done. He really comes off as a toxic friend and manipulator. That episode should be deleted. So poorly written, unnecessary, forced and contrived. I felt that Sam must have blackmailed and brainwashed Sonic and Amy or something.
3 years, 4 months ago
13 Nov 2021 22:18 CET
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5 favorites