Change in scenery
it happened so fast
I woke up somewhere dark, I didn’t really know where. There were slivers of light around me, and sound, the sound of wooden wheels turning an uneven road. I was moving. As I woke I became more aware. My head hurt too, I don’t really remember what I did to hurt it. I mewed softly to see if there was anyone around. There came no answer. The space was too small to have anyone in there with me, I barely fit and I’m pretty small, even for my age. I mewed again, and again, getting worried about getting out. There came a loud bang in return, something hilling the wooden side of the box I was in.
“shut up in there! Mangy cat!” a man’s voice came. I knew that voice. Now I remember.
Men had come and attacked mother’s cart. Human men. They were angry, I didn’t remember what they were saying very well, but they were saying something about the ‘proper place for a cat’ and took me from my mother’s arms. She was very upset. She was screaming. Guards were coming to help her and free me, but the men carrying me were fast. I don’t remember what happened after that.
“ha! Was wondering what that little pussy was gonna wake up!” a second man’s voice came from outside my box, his voice was familiar too.
“yeah, was hoping to get there before she did. Some shortcut this was!”
“shut it! It got us away from the guard dinnit?” I wasn’t sure who was who anymore, but as we went my head felt better. Mother always told me I had a hard head.
“yeah, yeah, yeah... just find us a better trail... doesn’t look like even animals use this one much, which means monsters might be nearby” monsters were bad news, daddy always told me. They eat little girls who don’t eat their vegetables. And they often attack stupid adventurers. Mother said I wasn’t allowed to be an adventurer when I grew up. I didn’t think I would want to be ether, I didn’t always eat my vegetables.
“nothing we can’t handle, we’re right quick with a blade!”
“ha! We still ran from the guards though!”
“quick we may be, but I ain’t faster than 15 trained guards. 3 or 4 mayb-.... oh fuck...”
I heard a roar, louder than anything I’d ever heard before. The two men started yelling. I heard swords, and spells, claws and roars. I also heard screams of pain... the cart must have gotten knocked over because the box suddenly moved. I wasn’t sure which way was down for a minute, but then the ground reminded me. The box cracked open and I fell out. I got up to my hands and knees and froze in fear. Standing over the now dead bodies of the two humans that had taken me was a monster!
It was almost like a beast person, but huge, not even my daddy, who was very tall, could probably even reach its shoulder. Its fangs were longer than my fingers, and its eyes glowed green. Blood dripped from its fangs and claws as it stood there.
As I stay there, stupefied and just examining the creature, it bent down over the corpses and started to take off the bits of armor that wasn’t ruined by teeth and claws, looting the dead with little remorse. As I looked, I thought it looked kind of like a wolf, though much too large, and standing on two legs like a beast person. I also noticed it was a she, with a bosom that would make my mother jealous. She had very little clothing on her too, only a loincloth and a makeshift backpack which she was putting the things she took off the dead men into. Once she was done picking the bodies clean she turned back to the cart. She saw me.
I wasn’t sure what to do, I was just there on my hands and knees, looking at her in awe. I couldn’t even make myself move as she came closer to me, towering over my tiny form. When she reached out to me I expected to be dead right then and there, but instead I was scooped up in her paws. One of her paws on my little rump, holding me easily, and her other on my upper back to keep me from falling over. It was strange, but the only thing I could think then was how pathetic I looked. A young girl, not even old enough to be a young lady, in tattered clothes and with messy hair, mother would not be happy showing me like I was.
The monstrous woman seemed to not care though, as I could have sworn she smiled a bit. I was set down on the side of the overturned cart, a full man’s height up, and left for a moment. The large woman starting to smash up and go though the other various boxes from the cart now. There weren’t any other young girls, but clothes, jewelry, and other loot. These highway men had gotten a lot. All of it somehow fitting into that makeshift backpack the large woman had. For how unattractive it was it must have been magical.
I was again picked up when she was through, and the woman cradled my in the crux of her arm, up against the side of, and slightly under, one of those bare breasts of hers. It was on odd place to be, and strangely comforting. I knew I should have been scared of the blood soaked monster, but I couldn’t help but feel like I had been saved.
The woman hunched over to be on all fours before launching off the ground. Running like an animal at a speed I had never fathomed before. Not even a horse could move this fast. The great forest around us whipped by, no roads or trails anywhere. The trees kept on getting larger though, and I knew we were headed into the forbidden woods. A deep part of the great forest that housed magical monsters that would frighten even the sternest knight, or so the stories said.
There was a city near the forbidden woods though. That had been where mother and I were headed. Daddy had just gotten us a home there, since his business was doing well there. We were going to live like nobles, but things didn’t go too well for me it seemed. I was probably going to end up a snack. I hope mother and daddy are okay.
It wasn’t long before we came up to a cliff. I looked up and could see more trees and forest up at the top, but it was taller than even the church tower. The trees around here were taller than it still! Things in the forbidden forest sure were big, and it made me feel smaller that I already was. I didn’t have long to look though, as the woman carrying me leapt up, jumping from tree to tree until we were at the top of the cliff.
We slowed down then, the woman slightly panting, but still not nearly as out of breath as she should be after that. Walking up on two feet now, the woman gave me a much better view. The trees up here were normal sized, and there was a clearing not too far ahead. I could see a stream near one of the edges of to the clearing, a slow trickling stream, which was probably why I didn’t hear a waterfall. Near the stream was a garden with vegetables growing, and what looked like some grapes and fruit trees nearby. Close to that was an old slightly worn down stone house, a little cottage for a small family out in this little oasis. Though as we got closer I knew there was no happy family living there. This monster carrying me had probably eaten them up and stolen their home.
It made me a bit sad, and my tail curled around my ankle a bit. I wished daddy would suddenly appear and save me, but I didn’t know how far away he was. By now I was well lost, and didn’t know where I could be. Other than heading to a very scenic cottage in the woods that is.
We actually went to the stream first. The woman setting my down before starting to was the blood off of herself. I just stood there, knowing there was no point in trying to get away. If I was going to be a snack, I was going to be a well behaved snack. The woman seemed surprised that I stayed put, she often looking over at me as she washed.
When she was done she reached for me again. Though she didn’t pick me up, instead she tugged at my clothing. Her brow furrowed a bit, and her eyes glowed green slightly. I was about to speak up, not even sure she could understand words, but I heard tearing and felt something hard sweep against my fur. the woman’s claws quickly tore my clothes to ribbons, swiping away seemingly wildly. How I came away unhurt I don’t know. But I was left standing there in nothing but my panties. The woman huffed a little and gathered up the shredded remains of my clothes and put them in her back before scooping my up again. I leaned against her now, able to feel the cool air against me in the shadows of the trees.
After that she took me into the cottage, which she had to duck a fair bit to fit into. The double doors helping greatly to allow her in. inside was not what I was expecting. Half the upstairs was completely torn out to make the ceiling two floors tall. Under that was a great den, tribal and sized for the monstrous woman holding me. What was left of the upstairs was a hallway and some rooms. One room missing a wall and opening into the great room, I could see boxes and other storage up there, but nothing much else. Under there was piles of blankets and furs, like a giant nest. That was probably where the woman slept. It was strange to see. Half like an animal, but with structure, sort of.
I was carried over to the nest of blankets and set inside it. She smiled some at my placement before moving over to the fireplace and putting some logs inside it. I watch from inside the nest, which had edges taller than me on the three sides with walls. But the side that faced into the great room was only about half as tall as me and I could see over it and rest my arms up on the edge, the slope allowing me to lie on my belly. I was confused mostly. I didn’t think she would put food in her bed, but what else could she want me for?
She would occasionally look back at me, smiling a bit each time she saw I was still there. She was getting into cupboards and boxes, which was a strange sight since she was about half a person too big. But before long she had a bowl of vegetables and a bowl of fruit. She would then point at the fire place and shoot a fireball from her fingers. Magic! I couldn’t believe it! I had watched apprentice mages practicing sometimes, but to see magic from a monster, that wasn’t something I was expecting.
The fireplace started up a nice fire quickly and the woman set to cooking some meat on a hanging wire rack over the fire. She sat on the ground and smiled at me, probably finding my look of amazement funny.
The smell of cooking meat soon filled the air and I was suddenly aware of just how hungry I was. I looked down at be belly and rubbed it some. I wondered how I should ask for something to eat, not sure if the creature could understand language or not. She hadn’t spoken at all, so she probably couldn’t speak. Quietly I got up and started to head over to her. Her ears perking up and her eyes started watching me intently.
I looked up into those green eyes, which were strange and unnerving. She stared at me without blinking, watching my every move. I lay my ears back timidly and I walked slower, gulping a bit. Still she looked on the same way, as if studying me, or waiting for me to do something. I stopped a little ways away from her and looked down a bit. I gave a small whimper and closed my eyes. I heard her move about, expecting to be grabbed again. But I wasn’t. There were some clicking sounds and I opened my eyes again to look.
The woman now had a plate with some cooked meat on it. She was offering it to me. I smiled and carefully took it. She nodded some and took some more meat off the fire and onto a table top she used as a plate. There was a lot more on her plate than mine, but I expected that. It looked like she was eating a whole animal, and I got but a piece of it.
She scooted a bit away from the large fireplace, and I followed her example. It was a bit too warm to keep standing there. I watched her start to bit into the meat and eat it with those huge teeth of hers, but was reminded of my hunger before long and started to do as she did. I was actually kind of glad that I didn’t have to do any of those stupid educate things mother was having me learn so I could be a proper noble girl. It felt good to just eat!
Once done with the meat I ate some vegetables, from the nearby bowl. If daddy was right, I wouldn’t get eaten myself if I ate them. The woman also ate some, though she had several bowls of them. She ate a lot. When I was done there I had some grapes for desert, they were my favorite.
The woman seemed happy that I ate; waiting until I showed no more interest in the food before eating what was left in the bowl of fruit. I wondered what all the fruits would taste like together, but I wouldn’t be able to find out tonight. I hoped I would get the chance though, it was something new to try. After eating the woman put the dishes away, but not before licking them all clean and putting them all in a big trough to clean with water. I wandered over to one of the windows and looked out over the clearing as the sun set.
It was kind of sad not knowing if I was going to see my parents or not. But I actually did feel safe here, even though it was possible I was going to be eaten. Those men had hit me over the head and put me in a box. They wouldn’t have been very nice to me, but this monster, this woman, she was nice. Even if she planned to eat me, I wouldn’t mind too much, since she was nice after all. I pondered if that was a normal thing to think, but decided I didn’t care. As the light from the sun started to fade away to the point it was hard to see I was scooped up again by the woman.
I was carried back to the nest, but instead of being set down the woman crawled in with me in arm. Shy lay down around me, and I do mean around me, and started to stoke over my mostly naked furry body, her claws straightening my hair. I felt a little strange being so unclothed as I was, for some reason it didn’t really hit me until now. Then again she wasn’t wearing much ether, so I guess it was okay.
With only the fire as light the two of us cuddled up to each other. The woman holding me close, like daddy did when we lay together. I wondered if the creature wanted to keep me as hers. I wasn’t sure about that, but I kind of hoped she would. I would like to have a mommy, and not a mother. I just wouldn’t tell mother, if they ever found me. ..