Troy tries to ask Chris for permission to have his sleepover and the boy's reaction is about what you'd expect. Never fear though, Bourbon is on the case. Odd that he's pushing to handle it though, considering his less than enthused reaction to hearing the news earlier...
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They're trying to have it at Troy's house. They probably could have it at the other two's places but Troy's place works best for partying. And if he sneaks out, there's plenty he could do. Tell the parents, spank him, get him grounded, or all three.
They're trying to have it at Troy's house. They probably could have it at the other two's places but
ah i see. that would be funny, if chris agrees to the sleepover as he uses it as a way to humiliate troy infront of his friends. like spank him in front of them for example.
and as for what you said about all 3...i think only telling his parents or grounding him would make troy upset. i mean is troy really afraid of getting spanked by his brother? if it was his parents id understand, but since its just his brother, i doubt the spanking would be that bad
ah i see. that would be funny, if chris agrees to the sleepover as he uses it as a way to humiliate