nombre: stella
edad: 26 años
stella es una chica humana la cual vivia la cotidianidad disfrutando cada aspecto de su vida, tenia amigos con los cuales disfrutaba compartiendo pasatiempos y familia que amaba. pero todo eso cambió cuando un dia, tras una extraña amenaza de la cual el gobierno no queria hablar, el mundo se vió sumergido en el encierro. estaba prohibido salir de casa y se advertía a las personas que estuvieran atentos ante cualquier situacion de peligro. sin embargo, toda la informacion era ambigua, ya que el supuesto "peligro" nunca era explicado.
desde ese dia, la vida de stella perdió su brillo.. algo que ella amaba era estar con sus amigos y familia y no estar sola, y ahora era forzada a eso. claro que podia entrar en contacto por medio de internet, pero para ella, no era lo mismo.. su unico consuelo era que tenía la esperanza de que algun dia todo volveria a la normalidad.
pasaron los meses y un dia, el gobierno finalmente decidió decir mas informacion respecto a dicha amenaza, resulta que habia unas criaturas peligrosas que provenian de un mundo extraño y pese a que sonara ridiculo, las advertencias aun se daban de manera seria. las personas debian evitar a toda costa salir de casa, y si debían hacerlo, debían ser lo mas veloces posibles o salir solo de dia y de manera rapida. y para mas detalle, habia reportes de personas que, tras meses de encierro, no soportaban estar mas encerrados y rompian la regla, lo cual, se transformó en desapariciones que no pudieron ser resueltas. eso daba un poco mas de contexto, stella se interesó en el tema y decidió investigar lo mas que pudiera sobre esos monstruos, hpnestamente se sentía asustada conforme a mas informacion encontraba, pero pensaba que mientras estuviera en casa, estaria a salvo.
poco a poco, stella se fue aconstumbrando a su nueva vida, sabía que estar encerrado era el unico modo de sobrevivir y que pronto todo mejoraría, porque seguramente la ciencia y el ejercito, encontrarian un modo de derrotar dicha amenaza, y eso le daba animos para seguir dia con dia.
una noche, stella se encontraba viendo television, cuando se encontro con un canal que nunca habia visto, donde emitian caricaturas.. era raro para un adulto ver eso, pero por alguna razon, ella no podia dejar de mirar eso. siguió mirando el show por un rato mas, cuando de repente, algo horrible parecia salir de su televisor. ella retrocedió, salió corriendo y sabia que pasaba o que era esa cosa, estaba muy asustada. mientras corría, dirigió su vista hacia atras y pudo ver que efectivamente, una silueta enorme color negro la perseguia..sería una de las criaturas monstruosas de las que hablaba el gobierno? era imposible! ella no salia de casa.. que estaba pasando?!
de un momento a otro, se vió atrapada en una esquina y pudo ver bien a la criatura.. tan pronto pudo procesar lo que sus ojos estaban viendo, todo se volvió oscuro...
name: stella
age: 26 years
Stella is a human girl who lived everyday enjoying every aspect of her life, she had friends with whom she enjoyed sharing hobbies and family that she loved. But all that changed when one day, after a strange threat that the government did not want to talk about, the world was plunged into closure. It was forbidden to leave the house and people were warned to be vigilant in any dangerous situation. however, all the information was ambiguous, since the supposed "danger" was never explained.
from that day on, stella's life lost its shine ... something she loved was being with her friends and family and not being alone, and now she was forced into that. Of course, she could get in touch through the internet, but for her, it was not the same ... her only consolation was that she had the hope that one day everything would return to normal.
Months passed and one day, the government finally decided to say more information regarding said threat, it turns out that there were dangerous creatures that came from a strange world and although it sounded ridiculous, the warnings were still given in a serious way. people should avoid leaving home at all costs, and if they had to, they should be as fast as possible or leave only during the day and quickly. and for more detail, there were reports of people who, after months of confinement, could not bear to be locked up anymore and broke the rule, which turned into disappearances that could not be resolved. That gave a little more context, she Stella became interested in the subject and decided to investigate as much as she could about those monsters, she said she felt scared according to more information she found, but she thought that while she was at home, she would be safe.
Little by little, Stella got used to her new life, she knew that being locked up was the only way to survive and that soon everything would improve, because surely science and the army would find a way to defeat this threat, and that gave her encouragement. to continue day by day.
One night, she Stella was watching television, when she came across a channel that she had never seen, where they broadcast cartoons ... it was weird for an adult to see that, but for some reason, she couldn't stop watching that. She continued watching the show for a while longer, when suddenly, something horrible seemed to come out of her television. she backed away, ran out and screaming ... she didn't know what was happening or what that thing was, she was very scared. As she ran, she looked back at her and could see that indeed, a huge black silhouette was chasing her ... would she be one of the monstrous creatures the government was talking about? it was impossible! she did not leave the house .. what was happening ?!
from one moment to another, she was caught in a corner and she could see the creature well... as soon as she could process what her eyes were seeing, everything went dark...
fan character
baby doll
3 years, 4 months ago
02 Nov 2021 23:15 CET
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