One day an abused furry suited up and went outside. His soul went dark from all the bad things others did to him; all he was able to think about was being threatend fair in any way. But he wanted to have a good time at the halloween party; suited up nobody would notice, who he really was. At the party everything was fine at first, until his closest friend outed him, as the one, who was bullied all the time and suddenly the suit wasn't anonymous anymore. For the next hours he was tortured again; no matter, that his behaviour peaceful the whole time. Finally he managed to flee from the party somehow. His suit torn half apart; that in itself looked pretty awful, but nothing unfixable. The new scars on his soul instead were deeper, than before. Betrayed by his best friend, he ran along the street to get home as fast as possible; just to avoid contact with strangers he decided to take some hidden ways through dark alleys.
Just a few steps into the the second alley he felt a hard hit to his head, before he passed out. As he came to mind again he shook his head and felt the mane of his suit head flaying around. He decided to take it off, but as soon as he touched his head, he felt the touch of claws. Every spot he touched on his suit face felt real all of a sudden; again he shook his head, as he saw his hands turned into claws. His suit became his real body and the only thought he had in mind was. . .