Get my foot in the door and my face on the page Make my mark in the world with a bat and a blade It's a body of work that you can't ever change Like a body of years that you take to your grave
a few pieces focusing on thade's life and history before his death.... you can read a generally bio of him i wrote here !
but a basic summary... thade was born to a little nuclear family on roo island. he was born with a strange birth defect; a very large yellow eye. the size of it greatly contrasts his beady, natural little kacheek eye. thade also had large teeth that gave him a speech impediment, something that he needed speech therapy for. he was... rather strange, to say the least. his siblings were much more normal kacheeks and as a result got favorable treatment from their parents
on top of it all, thade's own demeanor was quite strange. he didn't care for making friends, and was much more preoccupied with puzzles. this fixation created a sort of tunnel vision in thade, as the puzzle-based economy of neopets made his hobby lucrative... meaning he never had to really 'move on' from it. it was useful to do. the lack of motivation to socialize never needed to be cured... he eventually moves away from his home, purposefully moving into a remote area; the haunted woods.
throughout this all, thade has one belonging that he is sentimental about; a little usuki doll by the name of "dahleili". the little doll speaks to thade, and he believes her to be her own person. in reality, she is more like a manifestation of thade's subconscious, a voice that tries to support him and provide a voice of reason. he has her in pristine condition, even in his afterlife.
now... what we know about thade from what little text there is implies he "went insane" and died from this madness, because he could not solve a puzzle. but ah, i like analyzing what it would mean to die from "insanity"... as thade loses his grip on reality, and becomes a delusional recluse, he stops eating, stops taking care of himself, starts becoming unstable and throwing tantrums in the halls of his manor. even his relationship with dahleili becomes twisted, as she begins to resent him; she manifests his own self hatred, voicing what he believes other see in him. thade paces in a crazed frenzy, unable to be reasoned with, by anyone, and least of all himself.
obviously, not a pretty sight to see... it'd be harrowing to witness. though by the time he is beyond help, he has already fired his staff (and plenty of the pets that worked the manor have fled the grounds, due to his declining health anyways)
embittered and egoistic and self absorbed... with no faith in anything... he perishes entirely alone. thade wakes up as a ghost later. he does not know this, but his soul is restless due to the sheer misery of his unfulfilled life! he... continues his existence as a hateful specter, eventually tormenting those who entire his dilapidated mansion.
ah, the last comic though, a little whimsical funny thing where gilly tries to help thade reconnect with dahleili. gilly understands this would be a good step forward for thade... but... well. she is contesting with the fact that it thade IS kind of crazy