Tomorrow I'll be taking the day off, too damn tired of carrying my bag around, will just take my pencil and draw on peoeple's sketchbooks, anyway, first drawing is of log having a headache and complaining of the horrible music playing, dubstep isn't music anyway, and mkaing my head throb, rather horribly, anyway, then you have some log and tea as suggested by
and more @wetferretry because I realized I hadn't drawn anything proper of him till then, during the coon, not a whole lot of people around to sieze badges from anyway.
OMG, you made it to AC?! I miss you. Hell I miss Ruffy like nobody's business, It may have been longer since I've seen him then I've seen you! XD <3 I'm really happy to see you've enjoyed yourself so much.
OMG, you made it to AC?! I miss you. Hell I miss Ruffy like nobody's business, It may have been long