Erebus shrieked, the cybernetic wyvern writhing on the floor of the shop. Much of his body had been augmented or outright replaced. A full exo-spine travelled from the cap of his cranium down the metallic ridge on the back of his neck, across his back and to the fully encased tip of his tail. The end of the limb had an array of points that appeared to be some kind of emitter, what with the lights that surrounded them.
Another emitter jutted from the right side of his jaw, the mounting of which continued down the front of his throat in defensive plating to his chest and down most of his stomach. At the center of his chest was a circular lens that illuminated with purple light, mirroring the single lens where his eyes must have once been on his cranial cap. More glowing orbs appeared to be set into the fleshy gap between his exo-spine and his throat-plates on either side.
His right leg was fully mechanical from mid-calf down to his claws, and the only flesh left on his left wing was the membranes, surprisingly, and a length of the wingtip digit. The wing-arm itself was fully chrome. The opposite wing had metallic re-enforcement beyond the hand-joint of the membranous wings and a similarly shining pauldron at the shoulder, but was far more unaltered.
The bat straddling his back shushed him, eyes focused on the drill in her grip. Serenade carefully kept herself steady despite his fidgeting, working the bit through a bolt-hole in the external connector of the wing-arm of his more cybernetic wing to the beast's spine. "If you didn't push your wings so hard, I wouldn't need to do this..."
The tech-wyvern squawked and slumped his head to the left enough that the barrel of his jaw laser on the right tapped to the textured steel flooring.
Serenade pulled the drill away. "This is gonna happen whenever you sheer through bolts. Get used to it or treat your wings better." She used the back of one of her splitter gloves to wipe her brow, giving the leaf of her nose a twitch as she looked over her work, appraising if the current bit needed any more use.
Erebus hissed, twisting his neck to better face towards the cybernetic engineer on his back, his neck-frill articulating and flexing to allow the movement.
"Don't you sass me." She didn't even meet his attention, changing out the bit on her drill. Her tone and the twisting flicks of her own tail told her mood well enough. "Hold still. I'm re-threading the mount."
Huffing, the wyvern slumped his head forward again and did his best to hold still. His ocular sensor pivoted its lens in an anxious manner as he waited.
The bat carefully ran the drill in, then out of each of the freshly drilled out spaces with the tapper head, making sure the connection was lined up with its anchor on his back with each. Hooking the drill onto her belt like a holstered pistol, she dug into a pouch on her opposite hip. "Now, these are the strongest bolts we can afford right now."
Erebus rolled his head in the air as if he was rolling his long-since replaced eyes with a quiet hiss.
Serenade peered at him, then returned her attention to the task at hand, carefully hand-tightening each of the bolts on the mount before returning to her drill and swapping out for a socket head. Swapping a lever on the side of the electric device it swapped to high torque mode. She lock-tightened each bolt, doing opposite corners first to keep things even, before once again holstering the tool. "Alright. Flex your wings for me."
Erebus perked up and stood up, hefting the bat up into the air on his back. He spread out his wings and raised them, the mechanical parts of his wing-arms and his still fleshy flight membranes moving in concert without pinching or catching against one another.
She watched the joint on the mount in particular, before nodding. "Those should be good as long as you don't push it."
The tech wyvern squawked in a relieved affirmative, flexing and twisting his tail. Toward the end of the exposed metallic spine of the fifth limb, the lights around the tip flickered as he moved it.
Serenade noticed this and squinted down the length from her perch. "Alright, keep your tail still, I'm gonna check the wiring."
Erebus let out a shriek towards the heavens.
"Hey, do you want your tail laser going off at random?" The bat lectured as she slid down off his back to go to her work bench for electrician's tools. "Or not at all when you wanna fire it?"
The wyvern let out a groan and slumped onto his wing-arms dramatically, letting his head loll in an exaggerated display of exasperation.
Serenade gripped her e-meter tight. "Hey, easy on those wing joints!"