Pyrum is an infamous planet for many pirate hunters. Located near the end of the Eightieth Arm, far in lawless territory, it serves as a major hub for many pirates. Civilization is but a distant idea, but so are things the pirates hate such as 'taxation'. A large 'scar' covers its surface where the Aivin TEK corporation over mined the planet for its unnaturally high levels of Zeenium, though they have since left the planet to the pirates in the decades after it was considered 'devoid of Zeenium.'
True Location: 1630.91 Gx, 174°43’22”, 0.3 Gx Relative Location; Lone planet of the Ronerlon system.
Planet Type: Terrestrial Land Type: Lakes Temperature Grade: Hot Humidity Grade: Dry Breathability: Breathable Size(Mean Radius): 1.32 Earths (8,425 km) Mass: 1.03 Earths Avg Surface Gravity: 0.592 G (5.80 m/s^2) Axle Tilt: 6.1° Rotation Period(Solar Day): 7 hours, 18 minutes
Orbital Period(Year): 545 years, 3 days. (654,009.86~ Pyrinian Days)