So the deal with this pic is creepy I actually drew it back in June, see for some reason back then I couldn't stay awake, for a few days, but I also had this reoccurring nightmare where I was fighting this giant, it wore a mask similar to the drawing, each time broke the mask I would wake suddenly my heart beating like crazy, I was covered in sweat, out of breath like I was actually fighting this thing, then I would fall asleep again and have the same dream, the same fight, and the same result. A part of me honestly thinks I was fighting for my life.
3 years, 2 months ago
02 Oct 2021 21:01 CEST
Initial: 0178ae40fd72bdce0ffde777d50c2a06
Full Size: 9b563ff3b19f4d0b48796f8c355eabd6
Large: 9b563ff3b19f4d0b48796f8c355eabd6
Small: ad7bebf9ab1a32c339bf52d296e1a1bb
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