Have you ever had one of those days where you can't help but feel like you should of just stayed in bed? Sometimes the feeling passes as the morning goes on but for one young wizard It was lunch time at Hogwarts and a certain Blond haired Slytherin was grumpier then normal as he took his seat with his stooges. Between having woken up late, having lost a homework assignment and getting chewed out by his own uncle over it and now there being no where else to sit by by Potter and his two stupid friends, Draco was just having a shit day.
He briefly toyed with just skipping lunch but his tummy growled in protest at the idea since he'd had to skip breakfast just to make it to class on time.
While he hadn't of slept in THAT much that he couldn't of at least gotten some toast, he'd had to take the time to clean up after he woke up because of a embarrassing night time problem that ONLY his uncle knew about: Draco Malfoy was a total bed wetter and some nights a bed MESSER.
His parents and his uncle consider it a disgrace, he was a 5th year student and still he hadn't kicked the bad habit and so they had decided to start take drastic measures. were before he had been given self cleaning sheets and underoo's to help with the issue now he was forced to tape himself into a thick bulky nappy every night, with his uncle doing random checks to make sure he was doing it.
It was Snape's idea of all things as he reasoned Draco hadn't put the effort in to stop the accidents because he didn't have to clean up and to Draco's dismay his parents had seen the logic, so now if he wanted to try and go to bed without a nappy on he needed 5 days in a row with a happy face sticker on it on the stupid potty chart Snape had given him.
His only saving grace was that Snape let him keep it in the drawer of his nightstand instead of hanging it up on the wall.
and of course, because lady luck always seemed to shrine on potter instead of him, he'd awoken with a nappy full of bm.
Snapping himself out of his gloomy thoughts he took a seat by the griffendorks and started to help himself to ham sandwich with mustard and salad even as the mud blood sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose.
with the mud blood being closet to him and Draco maybe having rushed his clean up, he started to worry.
Crab and Goyle hadn't mentioned him smelling a bit off but then again their own personal hygiene wasn't exactly stellar so that wasn't a surprise.
Hermione looked over at Draco and he shot her a look, which was suppose to be intimidating but in his panic came off more as pleading one.
"Can somebody switch me seats? I'd rather not sit next to HIM." Hermione said, not listing it was the smell that made her want to switch but it was well known they didn't care for each other so it worked.
Harry agreed and soon was sitting next to Draco and he took sniffed as Draco tried to look away and will himself NOT to blush, getting mustard on his robe as he did so. Oddly despite clearly smelling the same thing she had, Harry just smiled and dug into his own lunch, making small talk with Ron, though he did cut off Ron.
"Sorry Ron, one second." Harry said, then picked up a napkin and dabbed away at the mustard on Draco's robe! "Look's like somebody needs a bib!"
Draco sputtered and stood up, embarrassed and outraged.
"PISS OFF POTTER!" He yelled, getting the attention of the staff.
Professor McGonagall gasped at the language coming out of Draco's mouth while Snape just facepalmed, looking like he was regretting ever getting Draco into the school.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help little guy. you don't wanna have a mustard stain on your robe do you?" Harry asked, grinning ear to ear as if he had expected this sort of a outburst.
"I'm not a flipping baby! I don't need a bib!" Draco snarled.
"Mr. Malfoy, Please take your seat." Dumbledore called out, though he to looked rather amused.
"but but.. he said.." Draco whined, turning around to face the headmaster and not seeing as Harry pointed to Draco's backside and held his nose, mouthing 'babies got a stinky butt' to the others, who broke out in laughter.
Draco whirled back around, his face a wonderful shade of crimson and went to reach for his wand, enough was enough and he had reached his breaking point.
"I'll show you who's the baby!" he growled when two things happened.
The first was with a flick of the wrist Dumbledore sent out a spell that replaced Draco's wand, which would be back in his private room with a large, white and green baby rattle. (Why Dumbledore would have such a thing on hand and how he could do such a disarming trick was unknown)
The second was while Draco who hadn't realized the switch yet when to point his wand, now a rattle at potter, A large graceful looking owl flew into the hall.
Bearing the Malfoys family crest everyone knew it was Draco's to a extent because he had bragged it up, a act that was backfiring now because of the package it carried.
brightly colored plastic and pictures of older boys in nappies on the front, it was a package of Lil' soakers, the bed time punishment nappies.
even if there had been ANY doubt who the diapers were for (And boy was Draco trying to think of how he could try and say they were Snapes) the pack landed right in front of him with a soft thud as the Owl barely slowed down and left.
"..Well that explains the smell doesn't it?" Harry said, chuckling and clearly delighted, breaking the silence that had filled the hall.
As Laughter erupted all around, Draco felt his bladder give away and he plopped down in his seat burying his face in his arms and started to cry, even as Potter patted his back.
"I really should of just stayed in bed today." He sobbed.
The end