Astraligor was doing one of his naked adventures when he found something on the bushes, the brown fox wanted to run but he was curious to see what creature he's dealing with, however, the creature appears out of the bush and turned out to be an Alien, the alien was trying to walk away to flee but astraligor told him to calm down "that's ok buddy, i won't hurt you. anyway we started with the left foot, let me greet you, anyway... *cleans troat* hi! my name is Astraligorus Foxson but you can call me astraligor, what is your name fellow space friend?" said astraligor while the alien didn't have a name yet, and so astraligor thinked of something and got an idea "you don't have a name? hmmm *thinks* ha! i'll call you Narlou" said astraligor naming the creature, "why narlou adventling? narlow is confused" said narlow, "lemme explain, in our native language that is Animalianese Nar mean space and Lou means friend so... welcome to Adventurion Narlou", "narlow likes name, narlow likes Astwaligor and Adwenturion" said narlow very happy with his new friend, the two are relaxing when astraligor hears his mother from very far "Astraligor! lunch is ready, i already set the table, come eat before dad eats everything" "i'm coming mom!!! anyway, you can stay in my house until we help you go back home, you're gonna like my family narlou", "narlou likes fwamily, narlow will fwollow you astwaligor cuz you're my fwend" said narlow while astraligor put his casual green pants and goes back home, also narlow followed him. when astraligor and narlow headed back home astraligor explained the rules for him "alright buddy this is my house, but before we enter, lemme explain some rules ok? anyway, rule number one: don't let my family know that you're an alien, rule number two: you need to stay where i can see you and rule number three: only i can know that you're an alien, ok for you?" explained astraligor, "narlou will obwey astwaligor, i pwomise", "hey! before you enter use this *puts an disguise on narlou* now no one will never find out that you're an alien", "narlou's clothes feels so gwood" said narlou enjoying the clothes. Astraligor and his new frien Narlou enters the mansion but, meanwhile... some US militars are spying on astraligor's new friend and they plan on capture the alien and erase astraligor's recent memory. back to the foxsons, the family are starting to eat their meals with narlou eating with them as well "champ, i never knew that you got a friend, what's his name?" said Animator Igor, "ah! uhhh... his name... is... Cody and we met in the skate park" said astraligor disguising the argument "nice to meet you cody" said Alycia greeting the new friend while narlou uses his tongue to accidentally eat Nora's plate "MOOM!!! ASTRALIGOR'S NEW FRIEND HAS EATEN MY MEAL!!" "nora!! cody has his manners, where did he learn this eating method deary?" asked alycia "uhhh... sweden! he's swedish cuz he's very hungry for some meatballs, right cody?" said astraligor while narlo- i mean cody waves his head, while the family are enjoying their plates they hear an noise "FBI OPEN UP!!!" a lot of millitars and FBI agents invades the house and capture narlou "ASTWALIGOR!! HWELP ME!!!!" "NARLOU!! where... you taking narlou? he didn't do any harm!!", "none of your business foxson" said the agent while the us millitary flees with narlou as alien prisoner. alycia was shocked and confused "what did just happen? and WHO'S NARLOU ANYWAYS?", "mom calm down, it's a long story but an alien needs his help to return to his home planet so dad, are you ready for an awesome adventure?", "sure i am champ, but... where did they take narlou?" said Animator Igor, "i know, they're taking narlou as a hostage in Area 51" explained astraligor. will the Animator Pals save Narlou from the US goverment experiments? will narlou return to his home planet in time? find out now in the next episode of... Adventures of Animator Igor and His Friends.
======================================================= also i didn't draw any winkie in there so it's an SFW art