“Just relax… a little bit to the left… and that makes four~ Very good, Rutger, I think we can fit one more pair in~” “Grmmmph… mhnnnoph…” “Don’t worry, your friend Jude left more than enough panties I can stuff into your mouth~ How do they taste~?” “Mmph.”
All Rutger wanted to do was help friends Anu and Jude out by looking after Jude’s condo while they were out on a romantic week away together. Even going the extra mile to give the place a good cleaning before they would come back later in the evening. Which appeared to be Alicia’s cue to break into the apartment, strip the raccoon to his briefs, bind him and start packing Jude’s underwear into his mouth. He was pretty sure she was going to. leave him here for the bunny to find.
“And five~ My, it’s getting a bit full in there, isn’t it, sweetie~? We could try for one more pair of panties, but I’m feeling merciful~” “Phhnk gmmd…” “Oh, don’t count yourself too lucky~ We still have to secure that stuffing and add some extra scarves to muffle you~” “Mh nmm…” “We wouldn’t want to disturb Jude’s neighbours, do we~?”