After the Genesis Wave, the Royal Sisters survive what their other versions do not. Now months later, they are waiting for their kids to be born. They remember the World Before and who give their lives and their existence, Their loved ones has died during the event.
My version of The Genesis Wave misplace some characters as the canon version that bring Megaman to Mobius but in here brought 2 Reploids into Mobius version of Equestria. Long story short, those two helped (with the Polymorph spell) to make the next Prince and Princess Alicorns. The clue of their identity is the cracked gems that hang of the Royal Sisters' necks.
My version of The Genesis Wave misplace some characters as the canon version that bring Megaman to M
Cadence is a Alicorn but in not a kin with the Royal Silibings but soon enough they will as Celestia is going to ask if Flurry Hearts can marry Luna's son.
Cadence is a Alicorn but in not a kin with the Royal Silibings but soon enough they will as Celestia