Sadly I have very less time in the last few months so I come not very often to making music :(
But Im happy to share today my newest song. ^^ Stimme des Waldes (german for Voice of the forest) is a bit inspired by Music of my biggest idol of videogame music: Kōji Kondō (Super Mario & The Legend of Zelda)
Hi Elderlichlord ^^ Sorry I didnt saw this comment earlier ^^'
I wrote this song as I remembered myself on my favorite musics in videogame history. Iam a huge Nintendo Fan (probably more a Nintendo Nerd xD) and I tried to capture a bit of this adventure vibe from Zelda games ^^
Hi Elderlichlord ^^ Sorry I didnt saw this comment earlier ^^' I wrote this song as I remembered my
So is that a glass harmonica at like two minutes in there? It really does sound like the background music from an old style platformer. Maybe as the hero battles his way through a mysterious, monster-infested forest?
So is that a glass harmonica at like two minutes in there? It really does sound like the background
Something in this direction, its called itself a "80s Balladbell" in the Nexus Sample Bank. Im glad you like it :) Yeah, I love this adventure vibe a lot. ^^
Something in this direction, its called itself a "80s Balladbell" in the Nexus Sample Bank. Im glad