So as quite some of you maybe know, im since 1.5 years now in this god damn situation where im basically homeless, was at a location from my familys friend, but that was too long, then from there on in hotels here and there whatever was the cheapest around here. We kinda settled on this one here where we get kinda of a discount, but its still 105$ a night and im basically the only one paying for everything, for the room, for the food, for gas in the car... Im exhausted
Im really thankfull for all the support i got already, some of you really saved me at the edge of getting thrown out here, and that alot of times by now. I started the campaign to do raffles (which i wont forget!) and even then its not enough and need to ask again
Im in dire need for money, i have nothing anymore at all, and today i need again to pay 105$ for the room... Please, dont just donate (even tho you can that too if you want) but i would feel better if you get a commission from me qwq I will also do a 5$ discount on fullbody pictures (also for pics with more characters) for the week!
i need to thank you all so so much for all you have done for me and i hope the situation very soon changes with another few letter to and from the housing company here in california....or else..i dont know, im burned out abit....