After being seen by the onsite medics, Kari and T.K eventually woke up. Aside from feeling especially tired, they were unharmed and in good health. Tai spoke with his new assistant, and arranged a ride to Izzy’s building. While everyone was getting in, human and digimon alike, Tai got the text from Izzy saying that everyone arrived except Joe.
“Not this time you don’t.” Tai fumed. “Driver, we need a lift to the hospital in Odaiba.”
“Is everyone ok sir?”
“Yeah we’re fine, just collecting another passenger.”
“Ok, on it.” Pulling in. Tai entered the E.R with Meiko and Meicoomon and began searching for Joe. He was at a work station with a pair of nurses, dressed in his white coat and stethoscope.
“Huh?” Joe perked up, turning around to see Tai and Meiko. “Whoa, what are you guys doing here?”
“Joe, I know your work is important. But this can’t wait.” Tai stated.
“Tai, I understand but-“
“Not this time.” Tai interjected. “Trust me when I say, this is important and that there may be a lot more patients for you on the way. So you better hear what we have to say, and be prepared for the worst.” Joe stammered and turned to the nurses.
“I’m going for a while, take this to Dr. Imahara.” Joe said, passing the chart to the nurse to his left.
“Yes doctor.”
Pulling in to Izzy’s building. Joe still dressed in his coat brought up the rear of the group as they headed into the elevator. Kari shivered, but T.K took hold of her and held her tight.
“Are you cold, Kari?” Gatomon asked.
“I was there again, wasn’t I?” She asked. Meiko placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Where do you mean?”
“The Dark Ocean. I can feel it.”
“We both were.” T.K said. “I can’t remember it all too well, it’s like a bad dream. But yeah, we were there.”
“Kari, T.K, calm down.” Tai said softly. “You’ve been through a lot today. Don’t work yourselves up, we gotta get mission focused here.”
“Right.” T.K agreed.
“Mission focused on what, Tai?” Joe asked.
“Oh you know the usual. Bad digimon, end of the world, all the fun stuff we deal with like it was lunch.” Tai smiled back to him.
“I already ate, thanks.” Joe waved off with a nervous grin. Heading out of the elevator, they headed toward the conference room where the other group had met. Inside this time, everyone was there. On the right was Davis, Yolei, Ken, Cody, Mimi and Izzy at the head of the table, while the left side was occupied by Willis, Matt and Sora, the rest of the chairs were available for them. However before even a word could be said, Mimi leapt from her chair and rushed for Meiko.
“Mei-mei!!” Mimi squealed with delight, hugging her and Meicoomon tight. “Hahaha I missed you so much! Muah!” Meiko blushed as Mimi kissed her cheek.
“Hi Mimi, great to see you, all of you for that matter.”
“Meicoomon oh look at you, you’re pawsitivily adorable!” Mimi cooed, clasping her little paws. “I’m so glad to see you back.”
“I’m glad to be back! You’re such a happy person Mimi, I really like you!” Meicoomon smiled. Mimi kissed Meicoomon’s nose before taking her seat.
“Willis!” Tai exclaimed, as Kari and T.K took a seat next to Matt while Joe took the last available seat on the left. “It’s great to see you, when did you arrive?”
“Earlier today. Izzy flew me in. Great to see you too.” Willis greeted.
“So what’s up? You called us all here, what’s going on?” Matt questioned.
“There’s a lot to cover, where should I start?” Tai sighed, leaning on the table while Meiko took a seat at the opposite end to Izzy.
“Before we do, we should deploy this. Everyone, turn off your phones.” Izzy warned, rolling out a small puck like object onto the table. Everyone complied with the request and once they did, Izzy activated it. It sent out a notable pulse that everyone felt, but couldn’t see. “There. An old trick I modified on my original computer. It’s a digital barrier, sound-proofed and all but, it could interfere with regular devices, ergo why turning off the phones is a precaution.”
“We’re in serious trouble.” Tai spoke up.
“Huh?” Matt peered over the table.
“What happened, Tai?” Sora questioned in a sympathetic tone.
“We found Homeostasis. It took hold of Kari, just like it always did, but we ended up biting off more than we could chew.”
“In what way?” Ken inquired.
“King Drasil, took hold of T.K.”
“What!?” Matt shouted, rushing over to his brother he kneeled down and clasped his shoulders. “T.K, are you ok?”
“I’m alright Matt, wasn’t fun but, I survived.” He brushed off nervously with a shrug. Matt gave him a quick hug before returning to his seat and Meiko took her turn to speak.
“They took us to The Dark Ocean, where we had to face off against a digimon, Seadramon.”
“He was big and nasty.” Meicoomon added in.
“So what?” Davis asked. “Seadramon’s a push over, Veemon could drop him in a heartbeat.”
“Yeah!” Veemon cheered. Tai hung his head and spoke.
“Seadramon dropped both Jesmon and Alphamon like they were rag dolls.”
“What!?” Everyone in the room looked shocked. In a sudden outburst Izzy slapped his hands on the table and shouted.
“That’s impossible! Seadramon’s a champion level digimon. Even at his peak strength, Jesmon’s a mega level. He should have easily subdued him!”
“He was bigger, far stronger. His ice breath turned Jesmon into a glacier, shards of ice firing everywhere. King Drasil and Homeostasis had to ward off the blast to protect us.”
“They were working together?” Willis asked.
“Hardly.” Meiko shook her head. “One thing we did learn is that tensions between them have not eased, but they may be willing to call a truce to deal with these new digimon. They even called a portal together to send him back where he belonged.”
“Where did he belong?” Izzy questioned.
“That Seadramon came from the Primal world, one of the worlds that’s become connected to us all thanks to the Quantum Sea.”
“Ah!” Izzy shuddered. “You mean The Quantum world, that’s the primal one that both Homeostasis and Himekawa warned about.”
“What is it?” Joe asked.
“After the incident with Eosmon, I petitioned the government for documentation regarding any and all information they had on the digital world. Ms. Himekawa and Mr. Nishijima possessed a great deal of notes regarding the worlds born of The Quantum Sea. She detailed how some of these worlds could be as different as night and day from one another, and yet exist all the same. However, one in particular did stand out to me; The Quantum World.” Izzy sat back and continued his lecture. “You see, The Quantum World is older than our own, hence its pseudo name The Primal World. Many of its inhabitants are basically a culmination of all the worlds born of The Quantum Sea. So it makes sense that digimon could exist there, since all forms of life can. However, when you factor in the age of their world relative to ours, and the notion that judging by the name, they’ve broken the barrier on quantum computing code, the digimon that would exist there would significantly enhanced. But to such an extent, I had no idea.” Izzy breathed, rubbing his chin.
“They may start to breach our world soon.” Tai warned. “When they do. Digimon as strong as Imperialdramon may not be enough. A champion could bring down two mega’s. While Imperialdramon is strong, if an ultimate were to cross the threshold.”
“If a champion could knock out two mega digimon, there’s no power we could bring up to stop an ultimate level one.” Izzy concluded on Tai’s behalf.
“Meaning if one like Parrotmon were to show.” Meiko said.
“We’d be finished. Wherever it appeared, the area would be wiped out.” Tai stated.
“Great.” Matt fumed. “And us without Omnimon or the ability to bond form with our digimon to fight. The hell is Homeostasis thinking!?”
“We’ve laid the ground work for diplomatic relations.” Meiko cut in. “For now, that’ll have to do.”
“We’ll need to gather more information regarding The Primal world as much as possible, but at least the news isn’t all bad today.” Izzy spoke up.
“That’s right! Kari, Gatomon, can I ask a huge favor?” Yolei pleaded.
“Huh?” Kari looked up.
“We need to borrow Gatomon’s tail ring. We have a few hunches about how we might be able to use it to bring the other digimon back, but we can’t explore them if we don’t have it.”
“Oh.” Kari lowered her head to Gatomon in her lap. “Are you ok with it?”
“We need all the help we can get, Kari. I’d give em my left foot if it’d help.” Gatomon willingly took her tail ring off and handed it to Yolei.
“Thank you Gatomon.” Yolei bowed. “Don’t worry, I’ll take special good care of it and give it back as soon as I’m done.”
“K.” Gatomon smiled.
“Any particular reason Izzy?” Tai asked.
“Yes. Ken, care to explain?”
“I’ve had a theory about some of the rings that certain digimon wear. Ones like Birdramon, Gatomon and several others. However Gatomon’s was unique in the fact that as the digimon emperor, I was able to improve the power of the control spires and dark spirals utilizing its design. While I’m ashamed to admit that I used it for a dark purpose, I believe that Gatomon’s tail ring in particular may have unique properties we could use to create anchors.”
“Anchors?” Tai questioned.
“Our digimon are being bound to another world. If we could recreate the design of Gatomon’s tail ring, and code it to relocate whoever wears it to this world, we may be able to pull them back from whatever world our digimon are trapped in. Also, this does offer up one other theory.” Ken went on to explain. “Kari?”
“So long as we get her ring back on. I believe there’s a chance that Gatomon won’t vanish. Your digivice may turn to stone, and you may not be able to digivolve anymore, but wherever the ring is, is where Gatomon should remain. It’s a bit of a long shot, but it might end up being the case.” Ken surmised. Kari gasped and looked down at Gatomon.
“Let’s hope that’s true. It’d still break my heart to see Patamon or anyone else vanish but. At least it’s something.” Kari said softly.
“We’ve been working diligently.” Izzy restated. “We do need a few more pieces of information before everyone here departs though. Sora?”
“Yeah Izzy?”
“Can you tell us exactly when you heard Biyomon, what were the circumstances, was there any specific time?”
“Oh, well.”
“Izzy, don’t push her.” Matt objected.
“No Matt, if it’ll help I’ll tell him anything. She always calls to me when I’m alone for one thing, especially when it’s quiet in at the house. I’ll hear her when I’m in bed, or sometimes in the bathroom. One time I thought I heard her too when I was closing up at the flower shop.”
“Often times alone. Interesting. Tai, how about you?”
“Wha!?” He perked up, caught off guard by the notion.
“Tai, please don’t feign ignorance. You heard him in my office, didn’t you?” Izzy said, calling out his past reaction.
“Yeah, that was the first time. I heard him again last night too, at T.K’s party.”
“Oh, when?”
“Right when I went to turn on the lights in the bathroom, he told me he was so hungry.”
“That sure sounds like him.” Mimi smiled. “I heard Palmon when I was the warehouse alone weeks ago, but I haven’t heard her since. I was just sorting through one of the boxes.”
“You too!” Izzy exclaimed. “Matt, Joe have you heard anything?”
“Not really.” Matt tried to brush off. “If it’s him, he never says anything. I just sometimes here a whimper, or sniffling, I usually just figured it was my imagination. Stress from school and all that.”
“I heard Gomamon just three days ago. When I was in the kitchen making Ramen. He told me not to forget the egg. That really stuck with me.” Joe sighed.
“Why would that stick with you?” Cody questioned.
“Right before he got mad at me and tried to leave years ago, he made that exact same meal. I couldn’t even bring myself to eat it cause I could tell he really put his heart into it, just for me. I cried, so hard that night. It was how I realized how much of a coward I was being, and also how much I cared about him.” Joe recalled.
“Aww.” Many in the room collectively said.
“Thanks you guys. I know it’s hard to think of these things. But the best minds in the world are on this now. We’ll crack it.” Izzy restated. “Tai, please keep us posted on anything going on with these primal digimon.”
“Right, Davis, Cody, be ready for anything. T.K, Kari I hate to pull you off the bench, but so long as that light isn’t ticking down, Seraphimon and Magnadramon are two of our best weapons. We need everything we got. If the lights start though, drop out of the fight, and let us know right away. Got it?” Tai reaffirmed with everyone.
“I wouldn’t mind giving Hackmon a piece of my mind.” Matt fumed.
“I already did.” Kari smiled, “Same with Davis and T.K.”
“Hackmon’s in rough shape since the fight. Something tells me more than his ego’s been bruised.” Tai added in. “Let’s do this!”
The next few days went on with Izzy running his company part time and working with the crew on the digimon project the rest . Mimi went about getting herself moved in to her new office and found herself absolutely in love with it and she and Izzy started taking lunches together. Tai was learning the ropes of his new position with Meiko and Meicoomon, and after a particularly tedious briefing he gave, he huffed out of the office and into the elevator.
“You ok?” Meiko asked, with Meicoomon right beside her. Tai slumped against the wall and sighed.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“No you’re not, you’re exhausted.” Meiko noted.
“You aren’t sleeping much, are you Tai?” Meicoomon added.
“Ok, you both got me.” Tai smiled. “I’ve just been going over everything for work, along with everything Izzy’s groups been giving me. Just seems like my minds in overdrive lately.”
“You’re really eager to get Agumon back, aren’t you?” Meiko smiled.
“Yeah. I’d love to press Homeostasis more on that, but for now I gotta trust that Izzy can pull it off.” Tai said as the elevator arrived on their floor. Stepping out he was greeted by his new assistant.
“Mr. Kamiya, you have another package from Izumi industries.” He greeted, offering up a manila envelope.
“Thanks Toshi, anything else going on?”
“I can’t be sure, but I think a metal digimon is in your office. I saw him earlier while you were in the meeting but then he vanished.”
“Thanks man, good job today.” Tai smiled, patting his shoulder.
“Thank you, Mr.Kamiya.” He bowed.
“I told ya, when there’s no suits around you can call me Tai.” He reminded him with a wink.
“Sure, thanks Tai.” Tai opened the doors to the office, but no one was inside. Setting the packet down on the coffee table he folded his arms and waited as the doors closed behind him.
“Guess he left.” Meiko surmised.
“Alright, come on out.” Tai announced. After a few seconds, Tai caught a flicker in his peripheral vision and sat near his desk was Hackmon. “Knew you were here.” He smiled. “Recovered from your fight?”
“I’ve healed sufficiently, thank you.” He stated. Tai headed over to the bar and opened up a bottle of scotch, grabbed a glass and a few ice cubes.
“Want anything to eat? We have sandwiches, water-“
“Whisky sour.” Hackmon requested. Both Tai and Meiko looked at him in surprised.
“Sorry, humor isn’t my strong point. I don’t require food or drink for now, thank you.” Tai smiled and swirled the glass, inviting Hackmon to the couch along with Meiko and Meicoomon.
“Don’t worry about it, sit down.” Hackmon submitted and took a seat at the head of the coffee table. “So if you’re here, it’s business. What’s going on?”
“We’ve been able to seal off a few of the breaches from the primal world before they break through to the digital world. Much to my surprise, there is a notable level of compliance from Dorumon and King Drasil.”
“Good to hear.”
“Anything you can share with us?”
“Yeah. Izzy’s last reports show the same thing happening here. He’s writing code for a program to help seal them off before they can fully open, kind of like an automatic firewall for them, but it’s not quite ready yet. Till then, we have Imperialdramon, Magnadramon and Seraphimon on standby to handle anything that comes through, but we are nervous about something.” Tai explained.
“About what?” Hackmon inquired.
“We aren’t prepared for an ultimate level digimon breach from the Quantum world.” Meiko answered. “I’ve been getting in touch with other digi-destined. Only a few across the whole world have pushed their digimon to mega level. There’s so many places that are incredibly vulnerable right now. Russia, Germany, Italy, Brasil, so many countries have no megas to defend against a champion attack from that world.”
“I see. I can offer my support as Jesmon where needed, but I hope you understand that the digital world is my priority.” Hackmon stated.
“That’s fine.” Tai said taking a sip of his drink. “We also have some bad news. Three more digidestined have been dismissed, and another two have died.”
“One perished after driving their car off a cliff in Switzerland. The other drowned in a lake in British Columbia in Canada.” Meiko elaborated.
“There were almost three.” Hackmon informed them.
“Huh?” Tai, Meiko and Meicoomon perked up.
“Rory McMillin of Ireland almost took his own life by hanging. I arrived in time to speak with him for a while and managed to calm him down. I brought him to his sister’s home to ensure he would be safe.” Hackmon said. “I had no warning for the other two.”
“Warning?” Tai questioned.
“Gennai is trying his best to keep tabs on the digi-destined who have been discharged. He knew Rory was in a downward spiral and I caught a glimpse of him preparing to take his own life. Gennai may not have known about the other two.”
“Well, it means something that you’re trying.” Meiko smiled.
“I want to know.” Tai spoke softly. “Off the record.”
“How do you feel about the digidestined being dismissed?” Tai asked, taking a good long drink. Hackmon turned to Meicoomon for a moment, seeing the genuine concern in her eyes before turning to Tai.
“I despise it.”
“You do?”
“Omnimon was a force to reckon with and you along with your friends were by far the most competent team that had formed. It’s not to say that others weren’t out there that were capable; however what you and your friends achieved far surpassed expectations. I found dismissing Agumon, Gabumon and the others distasteful. I knew it would be even harder after you reached Agumon and Gabumon’s harmonized, bond forms.”
“Harmonized, bond form?”
“Agumon, bond of bravery and Gabumon bond of friendship, a perfect unity between partners resulting in a digimon whom eclipses all in power. You were the only two to have ever mastered that technique. In those forms, you’re stronger than either Alphamon or myself. If you could push those limits, I could only imagine how much further you could go. Sadly-“
“That’s not a question we’re going to have answered anymore now, is it?” Tai said finishing his drink.
“No, I suppose not.” He agreed, hanging his head.
“When. Well. Will Meicoomon ever have a timer like that?” Meiko asked nervously.
“Your digivice and digimon are quite anomalistic. Meicoomon and yourself haven’t seemed to tap your full potential yet. Perhaps the potential of the Libra is unlimited, and as such is the potential of her partner. For what you’ve achieved you’re well beyond the age most lose their partners. It’s both a relief and a wonder to myself and to Homeostasis.” Hackmon stated. Tai took a good long sigh and picked the envelope off the table.
“Well, we have some paperwork to go through.” Tai said bringing it to his desk. “Hackmon, let Homeostasis know that if we can crack the coding on pre-sealing the portals we’ll share it right away. On top of that, if a breach happens and you find yourselves overwhelmed. Get us in there. Kari, T.K, Ken and Davis are ready at a moment’s notice.”
“Are you working on a way to bring Agumon back to you?” Hackmon asked rather abruptly. Tai felt a little caught off guard but turned around and glared at him.
“I read what Izzy shared with me about the potential protocol. What it did to him. When I think about it, I feel haunted, like I should have done more to stop you from taking him. My best friend, one I’ve loved since I was a child is gone because of Homeostasis.” Tai turned around, his fist clenched he grunted as he marched over to Hackmon and grabbed him by the collar. “I’m doing this job because I care about my friends, my world and the digital world that I’ve laid down my life for. But get this through your head. I will never, forgive Homeostasis for destroying Agumon!”
“Tai, Hackmon!” Meiko jumped up as Tai released his collar. “That’s enough! Tai, please calm down, and Hackmon, you know this is a sore subject for Tai, you could show a little respect.” She chastised in a surprisingly forthright manner. “We’ve briefed you on what you need to know, and shared what we needed to. Now please go. I think we’re all about ready to call it a day.”
“Understood.” Hackmon acknowledged, vanishing before them. Tai turned away for a moment before Meiko grabbed his arm.
“I’m sorry. Are you ok?” She asked.
“I’m fine.” Tai smiled back. “Liked it?”
“Huh?” Meiko wondered along with Meicoomon who stood just inches from Tai’s leg.
“He can’t know about Izzy’s project.” He whispered. “He needed to think that I knew Agumon was dead. Or at least, that I believed it.”
“Ah!” She smiled. “You were acting. Well done.” Meiko applauded.
“Thanks.” Tai leapt in, taking her into his arms. “I really appreciate you being here. You and Meicoomon.” Blushing she withdrew but Tai kept his hands on her shoulders. “Hey, Meicoomon. You hungry?”
“Am I ever! Hahaha!”
“Why don’t we, go out to dinner, just the three of us?” Tai winked.
“Oh, you mean like a date?” She asked, adjusting her glasses. Tai chuckled and picked up Meicoomon ruffling her head.
“Well, think of it as a teamwork exercise. Sides, there’s a great place me and Matt like to go to. If you’re free, that is.” Tai offered. Meiko smiled and leaned down to Meicoomon.
“What do you think, Mei?”
“Let’s go eat! I’m starved!” She answered, raising her paw.
Tai took Meiko and Meicoomon to the same Yakitori restaurant that he and Matt frequented when they were in school. Meicoomon looked on in awe as the meat was cooking right before her eyes and wiped a little drool from her mouth.
“Is it ready?” She asked.
“Hahaha, here, try a piece.” Tai offered a strip to her using a pair of chopsticks. Munching away with her eyes closed, she immediately bloomed wide eyed with a big smile.
“Oh it’s so yummy!”
“Here, I’ll get more cooking.” Meiko offered, throwing a few more on the grill. “So Tai, what was in the notes left by Izzy.” She asked as Tai was taking a sip from his beer.
“Not much. Ken’s been investigating if there’s any pattern around how and when we hear our digimon and so far can only confirm it happens the most when we’re alone. Yolei is in talks with a goldsmith in Kyoto to make a replica of Gatomon’s tail ring. Willis says he’s found a way to scan for digimon with incomplete or corrupted data, along with checking other worlds for digimon in general. Nothing’s really turned up yet.” Tai answered.
“Well, it’s progress, right?” Meiko suggested, feeding Meicoomon another bite.
“Yeah, at least we’re going in the right direction. It’s just, I wonder how long before Homeostasis intervenes and tries to stop us, and how we’re going to stop it.”
“You really think it will?” Meiko said, gently patting Meicoomon’s head. Tai nodded, gazing down into his drink.
“Without a doubt. Remember how bad it got when we tried to help save Meicoomon? Something tells me it really isn’t going to like us meddling into its programming trying to figure out how to restore our digimon.”
“It’s a big problem.” Meiko agreed. “But, I’ve learned over the last few years that. No matter what happens, when we all work together. What we can do is beyond miraculous. Izzy told me about everything you guys faced. Devimon, Myotismon, The Dark Masters, the list just goes on and on. Every challenge, you’ve overcome.”
“Yeah, with our digimon at our side.” Tai sighed. Meiko shook her head and adjusted her glasses.
“They’re still by your side, you just can’t see them. Remember, an echo has been following you around just like it has been for all the others. A digital noise. I’m sure it’s them.”
“Heh.” Tai smiled, reaching for her hand. “Thanks Meiko. I’m really glad we get to work on this together.”
“I’m glad too.” She smiled, blushing bright as always.
“Tai!” Sora called out from the entrance of the restaurant. She had Matt with her and the two made their way over to their table. “Hey! Great to see you again!”
“Sup Tai.” Matt greeted with a smile.
“Hey Matt.” Tai answered with one right back.
“We’re not interrupting are we?” Sora chuckled and tipped her head.
“Oh! No, you’re welcome to join us.” Meiko invited. Matt pushed a table over while Sora picked up the extra chair.
“Hey Meicoomon, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing great! Have you tried this place before? The food’s so yummy!” She cheerfully greeted wiggling her ears as Sora reached in to scratch her head.
“Yeah, we love coming here.” Sora acknowledged.
“So, you two on a date?” Matt asked.
“Ah-hahaha, more like a team building exercise.” Meiko brushed off bashfully.
“Well you two make an adorable team, and I’m not just talking about you and Meicoomon.” Sora winked. Stammering she tried to hide her face but to no avail, Sora cuddled Meiko and took out her phone. “Hey, we should get a picture!”
“So, any word?” Matt asked Tai.
“Nothing big, no. But Izzy’s headed in the right direction, I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.” Tai answered taking the last swig of his beer.
“Good, you’re empty. Means you’re buying tonight.” Matt grinned.
“Yeah yeah.” Tai laughed. “So, how are things with you and Sora?”
“Good. We weren’t expecting to see you tonight.” Matt noted.
“Disappointed?” Tai grinned.
“Eh.” Matt shrugged off. “Like I said before, I like how we all end up sticking together. It’s comforting given all that’s been happening lately.”
*The time has come*
“Huh?” Both Tai and Matt said in unison.
“What was that?” Tai whispered.
Tai and Matt gasped as the room around them vanished into a vast abyss of pure white. Covering their eyes, for a moment as it washed over them they gradually opened them looking around. Strings of ones and zeros were strafing left to right all around them. They were floating in what seemed a vast sea of white with no floor or ceiling to it.
“Matt?” Tai called out, his voice echoing through the area.
“Tai!” Matt turned to him, moving in closer. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know.” Tai continued looking around, but couldn’t make sense of where they were. “There’s nothing here. Where’s Meiko, and Sora?”
“I don’t know.” Matt scowled. “What happened, this doesn’t make any sense!” Just as he spoke, Tai could hear sniffling and whimpering coming from a place not far behind him. As he turned, it was as though a veil of mist was clearing and curled on the ground was both Agumon and Gabumon, covering their faces with their hands they appeared to be crying.
“Agumon!” Tai shouted.
“Gabumon!” Matt joined in. The two digimon lifted their heads just in time as Tai and Matt scooped them up. “Gabumon, say something!”
“Matt, is that you?”
“Agumon, is it really you!?” Tai started to cry, holding him tight.
“Tai?” He moaned.
“I got you. It’s ok Agumon. I’m right here.” Tai began to really let loose with the tears.
“Gabumon are you ok? Are you hurt?” Matt began to cry as well.
“I think a little, at least. Well. I’m not sure.” Gabumon rambled through.
“Hey Tai? Not that I’m not happy to see you but-” Agumon asked.
“What is it, buddy?”
“Did you bring any food?” Tai just laughed and nuzzled him closer.
“One track mind, and the train goes right to your stomach. Don’t ever change.” Tai smiled, pulling him away and patting his cheek. “Agumon, where are we?”
“I don’t know, Tai. To be honest, I didn’t even know Gabumon was here.” Agumon explained.
“Huh?” Tai wondered. Gabumon pointed towards an opening in the whiteness.
“We’ve just been following that since we faded from your world.” Tai and Matt gasped as they looked on. It was a visage of their bodies, blurred but the dead giveaway was a light shining from their hearts matching their crests.
“Is that. Is that us!?” Tai exclaimed.
“Are we even really here?” Matt questioned. “Cause if that’s us.”
“We’ve been separated from our bodies. Wait, Matt. Look around. All these ones and zeros. I remember this place.” Tai said.
“What do you mean; we’ve never been here have we?”
“Remember when Apocalymon made us digital and sent us to the world of data. I think this is it. I was reading over it as part of Izzy’s notes a couple days ago. This place is a bridge between the real and digital world.” Tai explained.
“We’ve been here so long.” Agumon moaned.
“We can’t eat, we can’t sleep. All we do is follow you. Sometimes, it gets so frightening because, you’ll fly away faster than we can follow.” Gabumon explained.
“But we can always see you, even when you’re really far. It’s just a lot harder.” Agumon finished.
“The digital echo.” Matt surmised. “So it’s true.”
“Yeah.” Tai agreed, pulling Agumon in for another hug. “Agumon, I’m so sorry.”
“What do you mean, Tai?”
“We should have done more. I should have tried harder to bring you back. It was just, when you vanished.” Tai tried to explain, but struggled to find the words as all he could focus on was embracing his lost friend.
“It’s ok Tai, don’t be sad. It hurt to go away from you, but I know you wanted to stay together. I miss you, and the food, and my friends, and the food, and all the fun we had together. Did I mention the food?”
“You nut.” Tai chuckled, but it was only a momentary break before the tears broke through again. Holding him tight, he spoke once more. “I’m gonna find a way. We’re gonna set you free. When we do, I’m gonna go out and get ya a thousand burgers; and that shaved ice you asked me for.”
“Mmm, melon flavor.” Agumon licked his chops. “I remember when I caught the smell of food on you a while ago. Ha, I remember thinking I was so hungry.”
“Ah!” Tai exclaimed, bringing Agumon back in front of him. “T.K’s party, that was you!”
“Yeah, it was kind of like a while before. Suddenly you got really clear, so I called out to you. But as soon as I did, you turned dark again.” Agumon moaned.
“Gabumon, has that happened to you with me?” Matt asked.
“Well, yeah but.” He lowered his head, but Matt picked up his chin.
“But what?”
“I didn’t want to bother you. I’m never sure if you’re busy or working and I know all of that is important. But I can’t help but cry when I see you so clear.” Gabumon whimpered. Matt nearly broke out into a full blown fit and grabbed Gabumon tight.
“Don’t ever say that! You’ve never been a bother to me! Never! Gabumon, I love you!”
“I love you too, Matt.”
“Agumon.” Tai said softly, trying to gain some composure of himself.
“It’s ok Tai, I know.” Agumon tipped his head, but Tai dove in and held him tight.
“I love you. You’re more than my best friend, you’re family. I’ll never give up trying to bring you home ok? I promise.”
“Aww Tai, I love you too.” Tai and Matt continued to embrace their digimon for a while until a strange tingling ran over them both.
“Huh?” Tai gazed at his hands as they started to fade away in a wash of flickering light. “No! Please, not now. I can’t lose you again!”
“Tai, don’t worry! I’m right beside you. I’ll stay by you to the end!”
“No, Gabumon!” Matt cried out seeing the same thing happening to him.
“We’ll wait for you, even if it takes forever. I have faith in you, Matt.” Matt and Tai began to see the world of data receded before them along with their digimon, and as the light swallowed them up, it was followed by a moment of darkness before they both opened their eyes.
“Tai, are you alright?” A paramedic asked, flashing over his face with a pen light. “Tai, can you hear me?”
“Huh?” Tai mumbled, rubbing his face.
“Mr. Ishida, can you tell me what day it is? Where you are?” A female paramedic asked him.
“I’m alright.” Tai moaned, rubbing his eyes and sitting himself upright.
“Easy now, you’ve passed out. Have you been getting enough sleep Mr. Kamiya?”
“Really, I’m ok.” Tai assured him. “Matt, you?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” He agreed sitting himself up.
“Oh Matt!” Sora leapt in, holding him tight. “I was so worried.”
“Huh?” He wondered. Meiko and Meicoomon took to either side of Tai.
“Hey, you alright? You completely blacked out and we couldn’t wake you up.” Meiko explained.
“You scared us, Tai. I thought you were dead, but Meiko said you were still breathing.” Meicoomon threw in.
“I gotta talk to Izzy, right away.”
“Yeah, me too.” Matt joined in as they both rose to their feet.
“Whoa there you two.” The paramedics interjected. “You should really come with us to the hospital. You need to get checked out.”
“I’m alright, I’m sorry for all the commotion. I have a family doctor I’ll see tomorrow about it.” Tai explained to the paramedics with a bow. “Thanks for coming to our rescue.”
“Sora. Maybe you should drive us to Izzy’s.”
“Matt, are you sure you’re ok.” Sora leaned in, pressing her head on his chest. Matt cradled her head and kissed it.
“Yeah, I’m alright. But we gotta move, now.” Matt said, turning to Tai.