Innocentata Medicalos: Jenny?s Mommy's Hearing
Jenny wasn?t talking to mommy most of the time. She just wasn?t ready to speak about what Mommy did. Daddy gave her baths, tucked her in and other stuff. He even took her to the corrections board to get the M printed on her wrists. She's now an official, only one of its kind, IM, Innocentata Medicalos. Between the offer and what happened, they couldn?t refuse. Basically it was the least they could do but this was definitely going to be the last of its kind. So it's really precious and even a Innocentata would envy her.
Jenny kept something from daddy though, and she wasn?t saying anything. She was still playing with June and later Kate when Kate got home from school and finished her homework. They were glad Jenny was alive and even the IM on her hands. Jenny praised it and was already starting to enjoy the rewards of it, but she wasn?t talking to mommy. She just couldn?t even look at her. She found out that Dr. Marcus didn?t plan on her rejuve just gave her the cure to see, if it could prolong her death a little longer. It didn?t work that way. She still had the last part of sickness on her birthday, but now she was 5 years and 3 months old; they did their best to limit the amount lost. Considering she was so young and was an innocentata already.
The week went fast and Mommy had an appointment with the judge to discuss what she did, and Jenny was going to, but what happened there surprised everyone.
After Court was called to order, Jenny asked permission to speak first. The judge said yes.
"Your honor, I?m not pressing any charges against Misses Chain for what she did." That surprised mom the most. "Therefore, there's really no reason to make her a penny."
"Well there is young lady, she disobeyed the court."
"Well since I?m not pressing charges your honor, she can claim first Principle." The First Principle of the Confederation of Humanity is the ultimate value of all sentient life. Most citizens are allowed to use that as a defense, if their criminal actions were needed to save a life. For example, breaking into a house to save someone from a fire. Or stealing a hovercar, to get somebody to the hospital.
This really confused the audience. Jenny was claiming first principle for her mommy, and it shocked the Judge.
"Mrs. Chain please stand up." Mommy did. "Are you claiming first principle for your actions?"
She actually looked at Jenny, and Jenny just nodded. "Yes, your honor."
"Is there anything else Jenny?"
"Well I like from now on that there is no rejuving without my permission guaranteed your honor."
"I hereby order it."
"That's all your honor."
"Jenny if you ever want to get out of medicine, study law. You?d make a fine lawyer Case dismissed." With that comment the family went home happily, and Jenny actually hugged mommy.
"I still think you should be punished though."
"What?" Mommy said a little shocked.
"But by daddy." The little smile on Jennys face showed it probably won?t be as bad as she thinks.
"I agree." Daddy pooped in.