"Oh, uh, they didn't explain?" Fluttershy shook her head. the troop leader sighed. "Since there ARE several hundred Colt Scouts attending the Jamboree, and just as many Filly Scouts... obviously having all of them trooping after you as you went on your nature hike would less constitute a nature hike and more of a nature trampling. The Nature Hike was reserved as a reward for the two troops-- Colt and Filly-- who did the best on their respective fund drives."
"Oh, well congratulations, then!" She said with a smile to the gathered foals. "What sort of fundraiser was it?"
"Selling cookies," one colt piped up. One of the fillies snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Old hat," she said. "Us Filly Scouts have been doing that gig for years. You just show up with a box of cookies, ring the doorbell, and--" She struck a pose, her eyes suddenly going wider and dewier than should be physically possible. "Would you please like to buy just one of our boxes of Filly Scout cookies to help us out? Pretty please?" her lip quivered.
Fluttershy didn't say a word, but she felt a shiver run down her spine. Was that what it was like for other ponies looking into the Stare? "Yeah, we sold over three hundred boxes that way," the curly haired filly said. She gave her neighbor a brohoof.
One of the colts snorted. "Big deal. We sold six hundred and fifty."
"What?" a little green filly with yellow ponytails said. "No way! how??"
The colt smirked. "Smuggling ring into Fat Camp," The colt said blithely.
am reminded of part from Alicorn hunt: ~~~ Quote: "Oh, uh, they didn't explain?" Fluttershy sh