Innocentata Medicalos: Surprise Witness
"I'd like to remind you I have been established as an innocentata so what I'm about to do shouldn't be considered wrong when thinking of me as a penny."
"Oh ok."
Two small children about 11 12 years old came in with their parents. They both had Ks on their hands signifying there kidern. "Hi Auntie Jenny." The Young Girl said.
Auntie confused the court. "Hi BJ. Hi Mark. I want you to answer a few questions and then you can go home with your parents ok."
"Anything to help," The boy said.
This took a lot of effort and thought long nights to make sure she was careful when she made these questions. "How old are you?"
"12 years old." Mark said.
"11 years old." BJ said.
"Who are your parents?"
"Jake and Matthew Connor." BJ pointed at her parents.
"Who am I?"
"My mother's sister." BJ answered. Now this answer really shocked the room.
"What's is your earliest memory of?"
"Objection." Jenny glared at the prosecutor. The judge shushed him.
"What is your earliest memory of?"
"My second birthday," Mark said.
"Thank you. You may go."
"See you later."
"Bye." They both left the courtroom.
"Your honor I strongly object. What does this testimony have to do with anything.''?
"I'll show you. Dr. Marcus please tell me who were the two people who walked in this courtroom."
"Your Parents."
The court Gasped. "That's right. Mark and BJ are my parents who don't know what happened before they were rejuved too much. They don't remember who I am or what happened to them. My sister my brother and I decided that we couldn't take care of them with the illness getting to us so we had mutual friends of ours with their parenting license take them in. According to records they were born on another colony while their parents were on a long vacation."
"Records were purged." This was a question from the judge.
"I didn't do it. I just had them explain it. Anyways it was important for them to be treated like Kidern and no one to know what really happened that day."
"Ok I'll make my decision in an hour. Court adjourned for recess." The judged banged his gavel.
"I think it's going well." That's her opposition saying. (Mash pun. Rest in peace Linville.)
"Ahha." Jenny sat back on her chair too tired to stay up.