"Coming Soon (hopefully)! The next adventure in the Shades of Life series featuring the adventures of Shade Koopa! This 70+ slide comic, plus extras (yeah, you read that right), has been made over the past....er....long while, and the labor of attention is finally finding fruition in a fun journey filled with laughs, adventure, and drama!
As Shade starts off his indentured service to the magic wand known as Okuta, the two stumble into a situation involving two clans of polar ideals, getting themselves in trouble in the process. Will they be able to bridge the gap between them or, more importantly for them, SURVIVE these unintended trials? And what happens when a true threat emerges to all three of them? Find out....soooon!"
2nd chapter of Shade Koopa story is coming out soon. Here is the cover. The pages will be released ASAP. So those interested, stay tuned. ^^