“Good afternoon Mr. Hendrick, Mr. Taft, thank you for meeting with me today,” Mrs. McCarter greeted warmly and gestured to a pair of antique chairs that sat in front of her desk, “Please have a seat and we can get started on our final interview and see if we can get Collin into his new home.”
Settling down into the offered armchair Andrew glanced about the private office of the headmistress of the county orphanage. State reviews and certifications hung beside master’s degrees in psychology and sociology from the University of Wisconsin next to a large bay window that overlooked the central courtyard. Photos of prior classes and colleagues sat atop a row of metal file cabinets categorized alphabetically arranged along the far wall. A manila folder laid spread out on top of the polished ash desk holding within it a photo of the foxcoon in question as well as the sum of his official recorded history.
“It’s a pleasure to meet with you again Mrs. McCarter,” The veteran ferret stated warmly as his partner sat down beside him, “We’re looking forward to welcoming Collin into our home. I hope everything has met with your approval?”
“Both of your paperwork and background checks have cleared with no problems I can see,” The venerable squirrel admitted regarding the ferret and hare scrupulously, “There are a few questions I’d like to go over to make sure this placement is in everyone’s best interest before I sign off officially. They will be a bit personal I am afraid, but necessary to ensure you are prepared for the responsibility you are about to undertake.”
“We completely understand and are ready to answer any question you have for us,” Trent replied as he settled back and folded his paws in his lap, “You have our full corroboration.”
“I appreciate you candor,” The head mistress smiled sweetly and pulled out a leather bound note book. Flipping it open to a marked page Mrs. McCarter cleared her throat before she continued.
“Mr. Hendrick I’m a little bit curious on what prompted you to decide on adoption,” She opened evaluating the ferret closely, “It is not often that I find single service members active or otherwise that are inclined to bring a child into their home. Their obligations tend to be all consuming and in light of the conflict we are still engaged in how likely is it you may be called back to active duty?”
“The last year I was overseas the military began to switch over their convoy details strictly to civilian contractors.” Andrew began as he shifted in his seat, “Currently the contracts still remain to date which puts my MOS at the bottom of the list for deployment opportunities. My prosthetic also flags me as a non-combative so I would have to have my restrictions waived by my commanding officer to even be considered for deployment. While I still can be sent to non-combat zones, they should only be for short periods of time. In such cases Trent would be there to take care of Collin until I returned.”
“Andrew is required to have a family care plan in case something happens to him,” Trent chimed in as Mrs. McCarter nodded, “All soldiers that have children have to have one which is why I agreed to share joint custody.”
“The reason I want to adopt is so I can make a constructive difference for someone.” Andrew continued looking earnest, “I personally know what kind of impact a foster parent can make on a kid that doesn’t have anyone to count on. I’d like to return the favor that was give to me when I was fourteen and taken in by Molly Mills after my dad died. She gave me something to hang onto and helped give me a second chance to make something out of my life.”
“You will have to give Ms. Mills my regards once we’re finished,” Mrs. McCarter said with a smile, “Her recommendation carries much weight in this office, you should consider yourself fortunate.”
“I’ll be sure to give her a call as soon as I finish here with the good news.” Andrew grinned hopefully.
“One can’t fault your reasons Mr. Hendrick but the task your seek to undertake will be difficult,” The headmistress pressed forward with her interview turning to another page of her note book, “As you are aware Collin is a mixed breed and they tend to have a higher chance of medical complications. There is some difficulty in finding health care providers that are trained in handling the unique adaptations and complications that cubs like Collin can have. While there hasn’t been an indication of problems with his health so far I want to make sure you are prepared for any eventualities.”
“As a member of the reserves I have the option of buying into the army’s Tri-care system,” The ferret answered confidently, “I will be able to add Collin onto my plan which would give him access to the same level of care that I enjoy. Military doctors are well versed with tending to the menagerie of different species of soldiers and their pediatrics division is second to none. There’s not much that these medical providers haven’t seen.”
“Just another benefit of being a veteran I see,” Mrs. McCarter stated as she turned another page. As she considered this page her expression turned neutral.
“I see here that neither of you attend a church,” The elderly squirrel began cautiously, “Mr. Taft it says here you where raised Lutheran but are no longer a member of the church, and Mr. Hendrick you claim to be an agnostic. While it’s not my place to judge others on spiritual matters Collin’s mother was a Methodist. How do you plan to see to his spiritual needs?”
“There is a Methodist church in Sheboygan Falls we can take Collin to if he wishes to follow his mother’s denomination,” Trent stated as he thought the problem over giving his partner a pointed glance, “While nether of us practice or have any strong desire to be part of a church we would not prevent Collin form joining and would participate if he asked us too.”
“It would be for his benefit alone,” Andy stated eyes narrowing slightly, “We would also make available the histories of the various religions should he show an interest. We would hide nothing from Collin and urge him to make his own decisions regarding his faith. He’s the only one who can choose what he believes in. Faith should not be forced onto anyone.”
“Nor should it be vilified Mr. Hendrick,” Mrs. McCarter posed firmly, “As a parent your views and opinions will hold considerable weight with your child. Surly as an agnostic you maintain an open mind on matters of faith yes?”
“An open mind on faith itself yes,” The ferret agreed with a nod but pressed on somberly, “Though matters of the individual institutions of faith that spout messages of conflict and intolerance find little regard from me.”
A quiet sigh of exasperation escaped from Trent’s lips as Mrs. McCarter raised an eyebrow as she took in Andrew’s statement.
“Faith is more then which church you attended Mr. Hendrick,” The old squirrel countered evenly as she leaned back in her chair, “It is an individual quality that can help others when practiced in a group. It should not be completely discarded simply because others may not find a constructive use for it. Such generalizations limit and diminish us all equally. That’s not a view you would impress up young Collin is it?”
“No it is not,” Andrew relented with a sigh, “My personal grievances with certain members of the church have nothing to do with Collin, nor should I allow them to taint my opinion of individuals I have not even met yet. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and given a chance to demonstrate their own beliefs. It is after all one of the rights I fought for.”
“Well put Mr. Hendrick, I am reassured to hear you say that,” Mrs. McCarter replied with a smile before turning back to her note book. Paging through it she continued her questions nodding as the ferret and hare filled in any and all concerns she had. After about half an hour the head mistress final reach the end of her list confident she had taken the measure of the two future foster parents and had found them sufficient. Only one matter remained to be asked though the elderly squirrel hesitated as she worked out how to word the question without offending.
“I must say that I am impressed by your generosity and compassion gentlemen. I think both of you will make fine foster parents,” She stated honesty pausing before she finally asked, “There only one matter I have a small concern with. Mr. Hendrick I understand that Mr. Taft resides with you in your home. Looking over the report from the social worker that inspected the premises he noted that there are only two bedrooms on your side of the duplex. The law states that a child must have their own room when they are fostered, in which case where will Mr. Taft be sleeping if he remains in your home?”
Both Andrew and Trent glance at each other having expected this question and the implications it presented.
“At this time we are sharing a room together and will continue to do so after Collin moves in,” The hare spoke on behalf of the pair, “I am not aware of any law stating that such an arrangement is not allowed. But if it presents a problem other arrangements can be made.”
“You share a room at this time then?” The head mistress asked and received a nod of affirmation, “I see. Do you have separate beds or do you share one?”
“We have a king sized bed that we share.” The ferret stated coolly confirming Mrs. McCarter’s suspensions, “That’s not going to be a problem is it?”
“Potentially,” The squirrel responded to the ferret’s challenging tone, “Mr. Hendrick I mean no insult but are you a homosexual?”
“I fail to see how my sexual orientation has anything to do with my ability to raise a child,” Andrew stated sternly his amber eyes hardening with hostility, “There is no ban on homosexuals adopting kids in this state for one. Second I can’t be gay; I’m in the army reserve, homosexuals are banned from serving their country.”
“I’m no fool Mr. Hendrick; you’re not the first pair to come through my office like this. You are correct that your orientation has nothing to do with raising a child,” Mrs. McCarter stated coolly and evenly, “However you have chosen a path where you walk a razor thin tight rope where one misstep will send you crashing down. At this time you are responsible for only yourself but you want me to trust you with a child. Are you ready for the consequences of your actions to fall on him as well?”
“Being kicked out of the reserves won’t be the end of the world for me,” Andrew stated with a frown, “I have other employment and can support myself on that alone if need be, so there would be little effect on Collin.”
“There is more to it then money Mr. Hendrick,” The elderly squirrel sighed, “How will you deal with the discrimination Collin will face when other children find out he has two dads? As wrong as it is our society has an unfair amount of prejudice against individuals of your orientation, and such prejudice will reach Collin. How do you intend to teach him to deal with such harassment?”
“I will teach him everyone has the right to an opinion even if we disagree with them,” Andrew began after taking a deep breath, “I would also teach him that we are responsible for the words we speak and that they have consequences. I would then teach him that he doesn’t have to tolerate harassment and to report it when it occurs.”
“Sensible but children can be relentless and cruel,” Mrs. McCarter stated, “What happens when they don’t stop or the teachers fail to intervene? What happens if the other children turn violent?”
“I intent to teach him how to defend himself,” The veteran affirmed sternly, “I will teach him not to start a fight but to finish one. If I have to take legal action against the school and the instigators I will. There are a number of tools to use against bullies, the best one is to show them you will stand up for yourself and others.”
“Very good Mr. Hendrick,” The head mistress smiled reassuringly, “Sound advice fit for anyone. Collin is in store for a great deal of injustice due to his origin as well as his breed. I was hesitant to add an additional challenge onto his shoulders unless I believed he would be provided the support he will need. I do believe you and Mr. Taft will be able to provide that support as well as the love and care every child needs. I can find no reason why you can’t adopt him.”
“Thank you,” Andrew said as he sagged in his chair in relief and felt Trent’s paw grasp his triumphantly, “This means the world to us.”
“No thank you Mr. Hendrick,” The old squirrel stated warmly, “You have made a lasting difference for Collin to be sure. It not an easy task you’ve undertook but I suspect that you’re not the type to take the easy way. I hope it works out well for you all.”
“How long before we can take Collin home with us?” Trent asked as he got up to shake the head mistress’s hand. “We have to get everything ready for him now.”
“After we sign it should take about a week for the paperwork to be approved by a justice of the peace,” Mrs. McCarter replied as she shook the hare hand then the ferrets, “Then he’s all yours.”
“Where do we sign?” Andrew asked as he stood up and reached for his pen.
“Right here.” Mrs. McCarter stated as she laid the document out before the pair. Bending down Andrew put his signature then handed the pen to Trent who left his mark closing out the deal.