Thank you so much! I have to say I like the top one better myself, but the bottom one breaks my heart. I like to think that there's night when Leo cries in his sleep while dreaming about his mates.
Thank you so much! I have to say I like the top one better myself, but the bottom one breaks my hear
Thanks! NeatTea has design the collar with beautiful details, but I didn't even dare to try to draw it :'D I'm not sure did I understand what you mean with rendered since this was first time for me to see that word :'D
Thanks! NeatTea has design the collar with beautiful details, but I didn't even dare to try to draw
Aaahh! I'm learning new English words here xD Another thing is will I remember them, ahah! I've seen Leo's detailed collar, by NeatTea, in this art only -> Otherwise he has very simple looking collar like in these arts:
But since the best / most detailed collar is, kind of, in small art (won't zoom too close to get very good and clear look at the collar), I don't trust my eyes and skills enough to be able to copy it xD
Aaahh! I'm learning new English words here xD Another thing is will I remember them, ahah! I've seen
Thank you! This AU has been something which gave me, at least for a short moment, a little strong spark to draw something. Now that spark has gone somewhere :'D I hope it comes back! That story is so good! I'm loving it so so much!
Thank you! This AU has been something which gave me, at least for a short moment, a little strong sp