Klaue is a Sound Manipulator, something close as Zebra of Toriko. Sound Blast his attack power, Super Hearing that can hear around 1 mile and Zone of Silence that he can do 6 square feets.
Solas and Misty Inherited all the 3 powers and Goldheart only have Super Hearing.
so the power of sound manipulation? alright. wont lie tho it would be more useful if he had the ability of sound mimicry as well. least then he could screw with enemy's if their military or have a command structure of some kind.
so the power of sound manipulation? alright. wont lie tho it would be more useful if he had the abil
Yup! His powers are keep evolving as the time pass. Even he will make sounds that he hear can be hear by his teammates, changing the voices of him, his teammates and enemies (a new voice to replicate he need to heared before.) His weakness is if his throat is damage or gagged he can't use his Sound Blast, he is easy to be deaf as his ears are so sensibles and he need to consentrate to keep the Zone of Silence. A Speedsters can dodge the Sound Blast. Later he will gain Echos and Sound Frequency type of powers. His Close combat skills are between Antoine and Julie-Su. His version of Dark Egg Legion Pawn, Thunderclaw have cybernetic parts that enhance his powers.
Yup! His powers are keep evolving as the time pass. Even he will make sounds that he hear can be hea
alright ill bite. what's the comic? what other characters were dealing with? also given the fact that you mention dark egg legion pawn. what I be right in assuming this is a fan sonic comic?
alright ill bite. what's the comic? what other characters were dealing with? also given the fact tha
Yup, a fan comic. Is mash up of Archie and IDW canon with Blaze and her kingdom (Soleanna but instead of Elise, was Blaze that Princess) in in the world instead from another reality. Echidna Dark Legion and Dark Brotherhood still exist (They were Pioneers to use Wispon Tech by slaving the Wisps (Acorn Kingdom and other countries retrofit that tecnology and cooperated with the free Wisps). Robotization existed as the Metal Virus will exist into the future. Minor villians from both comics and some from the video games are are still kicking around. Robotnik/Eggman is one of the same (No Robo-Robotnik here) and Nega Eggman is his descendant. Chaos, Sol and Time Emeralds exist as sets (No the clusterfuck mountain of emeralds from the old part of the Archie Comics).
Yup, a fan comic. Is mash up of Archie and IDW canon with Blaze and her kingdom (Soleanna but instea
As Archie was a little complicated and IDW still lacking some stuff. The Ultimate Annihilator Ray was a Teleporter to Twilight Cage that put in there Robotnik instead of killing him and the reaction was give the Dark Legion and the Dark Brotherhood to escape the Cage (Im going to put as Dark Legion culture is more like Adeptus Mechanicus form Warhammer 40K, Echidna Cyborg Zealots and Dark Brotherhood more like the Institute from Fallout 4, more Scientists that fights with Copycat Robots (Inferior versions of Emerl and Power Suits). Both factions trying to get out first but Dark Legion got out first and time dilation make Dark Brotherhood appear years later but to them was a week of delay.
As Archie was a little complicated and IDW still lacking some stuff. The Ultimate Annihilator Ray wa