Character Sheet for Minerva Duscovö
Character Description
She's 5'1'', and quite petite, so she often has to shop for clothes for young teens, or even children at times. Not that it bothers her too much, as she finds a lot of the clothes quite cute and adorable. She can still find things more age appropriate if she shops at certain online stores, though.
Shy, nerdy, and a bit of a shut in.
Likes: butterflys, bright sunny days, relaxing under a blanket coocoon on the couch watching movies, story heavy video games, her cloak, her family (has always been really close with her older brother), a glass of red wine as she relaxes
dislikes: spicy food, spiders, shallow video games (like many FPS games), ghost stories, ghosts (is terrified of them..........ironic, i know), getting her picture taken
Minerva was bullied a lot during her early school years for being on the nerdy side, and always wearing her cloak unless forced to take it off. It's one of the reasons she grew up to be so shy and hide away. The bullying is also what made her cloak feel like a security blanket for her. While she was wearing it, it made her feel like her big brother was right there giving her a big, warm hug.
Things have improved later on in her life. She's learned to come out of her shell some, with the help of her very close friends and family. She was eventually able to get a job, find certain hobbies other than gaming and watching movies, discovered just how much she actually enjoys nice, sunny days, and even managed to get into a relationship when a certain doofy, indigo unicorn asked her out one day.
Mother, Father, and Older brother Octavian
her body is covered in tan feathers, with light cream feathers on her neck and the lower half of her head. the top of her head is covered in a dark blue layer of feathers which she styles to look "messy"
tank tops, shorts, jeans, dresses and skirts (tends to not fly much due to the many dresses and skirts in her wardrobe. lessens the chance for upskirts)
Cloak her older brother gifted her as a young child