This shows how stubborn Lychee can be in regards to her working habits, even when she is on deaths door she still wants to do her part... Lychee has had a complete cardiac failure before now because she is putting so much stress on herself... She was thankfully however, resuscitated.
This is much the same with bees on earth however, so her trait may be a racial thing, if you see a bee lying on the ground or otherwise immobile, try feeding it some sugarwater, if it takes it it should be mobile again in a few minutes.
If a bee stings you, they dont nessasarily die, however it is tricky for them due to their barbed stingers. Try to resist the instinct to swat it, it will start to spiral around in circles where its stung with its butt stuck to you if you allow the bee to do this unhindered it will eventually be able to get its stinger out and fly away.
Please try and save our bees! their population is in real trouble at the moment!