This piece is really wholesome. Like...Izzy's the sibling everyone kinda wishes they had. I never would have thought of solidarity as a way to help him feel better.
Your facial expressions are on point, they always are. Especially when Tay ....well, is TAY, and says Tay things. I can literally hear something snapping in her brain when her face drops. <3
Like always, this was a blast to watch from start to finish during the process!
This piece is really wholesome. Like...Izzy's the sibling everyone kinda wishes they had. I never
When the airplane goes out of control, Izzy needs to make sure that she has the only parachute and kick Tay out the door before he realizes what is going on. Tay operates on such of level of ________ that he argue with St Peter and Jesus at the Pearly gates that he is not dead!
When the airplane goes out of control, Izzy needs to make sure that she has the only parachute and k
This is so much mood whiplash. A wonderful moment (of Izzy lifting her skirt...) is ruined by terrible questions. The look of horror/disgust, and yelling is very funny. That's a moment to point to when trying to understand that "She's going to be pushed too far, one day." At least the swift explanation turns it into a happy ending.
This is so much mood whiplash. A wonderful moment (of Izzy lifting her skirt...) is ruined by terrib