Art by TriptychRox on FurAffinity
I really like this one as it shows really well the size difference between Ion and Kyara (showing just how short Ion is)
"Come on now Ion, get your head in the game" Kyara called out in a complaining voice, "Sorry, I am just not cut out for this..." Ion responded with an ounce of annoyance in his voice. "What do you mean by that? You grew up as an upper echelon of society did you not, as the son of the Overseer?" Kyara replied, "you should have learned this since you were very young, being the heir to the Overseer's throne, you should have more experience then me as I am only a lowly commoner ex-slave" she continued. "Well... I did have some training, but I was never good at it and didn't like it, so..." Ion started to say before he was cut off, "so you started skipping the classes" Kyara cutted in, "and your father stopped making sure you would show up against his better judgement, I know the story, the council said as much." "But he knew I was not happy with those sorts of lessons" Ion answered back, "so instead he decided to help me hone my swordsmanship skills, which was a better use of my time for what I wanted to do and still important for any future Overseer..." "Yes, well thats all and good, he and you still neglected the other important skills a future Overseer would need to do their work properly" Kyara replied, "and now that the council is officially naming you the Overseer, you need to catch up on those skills and thats why they came to me." It was something that was unexpected, Ion never knew about Kyara's little hobby as she kept somethings hidden from the rest of the members of Fangenclaw, so when he came back from his year long solo journey, the one Ion asked the council to go on as they were about to officially name him the Overseer as he needed some time to figure things out, they insisted he needed to learn one special skill that he had neglected since childhood, that he needed to learn how to dance as it was important for him to do so at any state extravaganzas, either in Norland or on foreign trips. This annoyed Ion as it was the part of the Overseer he did not like, but at least he wouldn't have to participate at many of these events, he made sure as part of his accession that he was only required to attend one Norland extravaganza a year, as he was still going to continue being a Hunter along side the Overseer of Norland, the position was more ceremonial these days but he still had a lot of final say over many things in the Country's dealings and the council still had the power to make sure the Overseer represented the best for Norland to an extent and for them, Ion know how to handle himself at an upper echelon event was one of them.
And one of the main things for that was learning how to dance, either with his mate or the other delegates at these events and this is where Kyara came in. The council alerted Ion to Kyara's studio, a thing Ion never knew she ran between Contracts as he didn't know this secrete hobby she loved to do, with her outward demeanor, you would never think it but knowing Kyara more personally, it did make sense to Ion once he found out. She was really good at dancing as well, gracefully for her taller size but that was not the only reason why the council selected her to teach him, they knew as someone part of his group and her outward demeanor that she would make sure Ion would stick to his lessons, no matter how much it would frustrate him. "Well at least Zephyr is stuck doing these events with me so I will not have to suffer with this alone" Ion said with a sigh, "yes well at least he can dance unlike you" Kyara retorted, "now come on, we have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it." Kyara took Ion back in her grasp, as the two of them moved gracefully around the studio floor, well at least Kyara was moving gracefully, Ion was still stumbling around, much to Kyara's annoyance. "No, No, No, I thought we had this covered already" Kyara angrly called out as she stood behind Ion towering over him, holding his mechanical arm in one hand and trying to position his body with the other, Ion making sure to bite hit lip as his eyes widen in frustration at Kyara's comments, "every time I think you have a part down, you go and mess it up again" she continued as Ion continued to remain silent as best he could but his face was showing he just had about enough of the lessons. They continued on for a bit but it was becoming clear that Ion was not making any progress, "come on Ion! I have never met someone who could move gracefully who at the same time didn't know how to move gracefully!" Kyara said with a sigh, referencing the way Ion could move while out on the battlefield, sword in hand, his movement out there were something of a spectacle, graceful movements with the sword that it almost looked like a dance but with actual dancing, he left much to be desired. "Well what do you expect? You are so much taller then I am!" Ion retorted, "when I will be dancing with Zephyr, I will be partnered with someone who is on my level, I will actually be able to do the movements without..." Ion continued but was cut off when Kyara bonked him on the back of the head, "... Hey! What was that for?" "You know that has noting to do with it!" Kyara replied, "you are just finding any excuses to cover the fact you are not taking this seriously enough!" A moment of silence passed between the two as they looked angrly at each other, "well we are not getting anywhere at this rate" Kyara said to break the silence, "I guess we should take a break to recompose ourselves" she continued as both her and Ion took a seat on the ground, leaving against the mirror wall.
After about a minute of silence, Kyara looked over to Ion who was just staring up at the ceiling, seemly in deep thought, "so how was your year away?" Kyara asked in a more calmly tone to break the silence as Ion looked at her with a bit of confusion, "I know you have been back for a while but this is really the first time since you did that we can just have a casual chat" she continued. "It was fine, was able to get a lot of things off of my mind before taking over the Overseer's chair" Ion replied after a few moments, "nothing interesting happen?" Kyara asked back. "Well there were a few things, but I wouldn't call them interesting..." Ion started to say, "nothing interesting yet when you came back Meeka had to take you in and fix you up a bit" Kyara interrupted with a small chuckle. "Hey, it was only a few broken bones that were healing quite well by the time she noticed, and the stay was only a few days because of that so it was no big deal" Ion replied, "like I said nothing really interesting." "And yet when you also came back, you only had your two belts that were falling apart and your sword which was cracked and now that I think about it, snapped in half just recently when Lazar went to examine it, not believing just how damaged it got" Kyara answered back, "you don't think the story on how all that came to be not interesting?" "Not really" Ion replied, "just wear and tear, I had that sword for a long time and it had a lot of battles on it, same goes with my coat, remember I only tore off the left arm by myself so I could have more flexibility with this thing, "Ion continued holding up his left mechanical arm, "the right arm was once full sleeve that got a bit shredded in battle and just tore off on it's own, rips were showing up a lot after this that, I tried my best to stitch back together but in the end it was falling apart." "And what about the boots?" Kyara asked with a more subtle tone in her voice, "were they once a gift from the departed Flint?" "Yes they were" Ion replied, "but again, I got them when I was young and while I have not really grown too much bigger and taller since then, I still grew a bit and had needed to resize them to fit by adding more leather and make the boots bigger, but they too were beat up and all that resizing takes it's toll, they were not long for this world... besides it is ok, Flint didn't mind, he knows just how much they meant to me and how much I took care of them, he was there when they finally bit the dust and told me not to worry" Ion continued as Kyara remembered that Flint's soul was intertwined with Ion's, something that seamed outer worldly but Ion could summon his departed friend as a familiar of himself because they were connected, so this unbelievable event would be true.
"So what do you have in mind for replacements?" Kyara asked after another few minutes of silence, "the ascension would be soon, I would hope you have something in mind before that, I know we practice in just our fur but for the main event it would be best if you had some sort of clothing." "Oh don't worry, I have things in the works, I have Zuri designing me up some lightweight armaments to replace the ones that were lost, ones that would more help with being a Hunter, she was the designer of my other garments and they served me well so I think it would be best for her to take on that task again" Ion replied with some excitement, "and as for the sword, I forged that after I lost my arm with my old master, I know Zuri also offered to make me a new one to go along with my new armaments but I told her I want to reforge one on my own from the remains of the broken one" Ion continued, "still though she did promise me that she would forge some sort small blade for me, so that is a surprise to look forward to!" Kyara noticed Ion's demeanor seamed to cheer up with their little conversation as he seamed to enjoy talking about things in the works. "Oh and that reminds me" Ion as he looked Kyara in the eyes, "I won't be around for lessons this weekend or for a bit next week, I am traveling with Zephyr to our old master's so I can get that sword reforged, it is kind of important you know" Kyara sighed as Ion looked at her with begging eyes, knowing that he kind of needed her permission to go off on that little trip but she couldn't just say no. "Fine you are free to go" Kyara replied as Ion smiled but was soon shocked when Kyara got to her feet and pulled him back onto the studio floor, "but that also means we are going to put in some extra work, so now no complaining" she continued as they started back trying to get down the graceful movements, "we are going to go all day and all night if we need to until you go on your trip, so I hope you are not planning on going home anytime soon" Ion tried to reject but Kyara was not having it, "you are going to loos a lot of precious days, so we need to make up for them, both now and when you get back!" Kyara said in a stern voice as they fumbled around dancing, "and while you are away, I want you to get in some practice session with Zephyr since you think I am in your way of getting the movements down, but be warned, as soon as you get back, I will test you and of you fail, well... lets just say you wouldn't like the out come" she continued as Ion cried a little inside, the little trip away would not be a peaceful as he would have liked as Kyara would make good on her threat if he came back and didn't perform well, Ion knew he had a lot of work to do and only hoped he would make it out alive.
arctic fox
grey wolf
grey fox
mechanical arm
3 years, 7 months ago
16 Jul 2021 18:30 CEST
Initial: 368e56c9df1c629f29b9c1c3aab5b7dc
Full Size: d1df09a5e8e017fb855c58fdf833fa5e
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