Sirocco Zephyrine coming soon to the Cub Game. Wile she is going to be an exotic shop keeper she will be keeping her innocence within the game. Sirocco looks Chibi specialty art piece for the game itself.
Well she really hasn't got one yet She just works on her magic more then anything else. She's kind and content mostly but has a tendancy too jump when "Ice" is around
Well she really hasn't got one yet She just works on her magic more then anything else. She's kind a
Only thing she knows it brute force through Magic power. She has no sense of affection but now doesn't mind being touched as in hugs and cuddles but don't expect return of it for a wile. Her cub ref sheet has more info on it. Has more info.
Only thing she knows it brute force through Magic power. She has no sense of affection but now doesn