Death invited me to his hanger for some skydiving lessons. I was nervous but excited...soon I'd be skydiving with a jet dragon, a unique experience for sure!
While I was waiting for the plane to arrive, Death offered me a warm beverage, asssuring that we'd be in the air soon!
As he spoke somewhat cryptically, I drank the beverage, only to get a terrible stomachache!
Wondering what Death put in his drinks, my gloves suddenly split apart, revealing draconic claws, and airplane wings burst through the back of my jacket!
The seat of my pants strained, a dragon's tail adorned with tail fins exploding through the weakening fabric!
My tough boots creaked as they, too, could handle the pressure no longer, and a pair of dragon talons burst through them!
The straps and jacket zipper were no match for my widening belly, as they gave way to its increasing chubbiness!
My face was the last to change, as it formed into a metallic mixture of dragon and airplane!
And as my new jet dragon body added small touches and grew to its final size, I stretched my wings and remarked that I didn't need my gear now anyway!
As I looked over my new, unfamiliar body, Death was clearly satisfied and eager for me to try it out!