Unknown since its a Robotic Machine and all
Robotic Blue Mako Shark Mech
Character Description
7th Robotnik Boss Fight like Action Scene that takes place at a tourist attraction in the middle of Australia Ocean known as Perth Canyon Marine Park which is nearby Aquarium Of Western Australia (AQWA) when Team Chaotix tries 2 lures him away from the Aquarium and instead focus in on them as a diversion.
Note : Its Concept Art and it's not good and all but hopefully u get an idea as 2 what I'm trying 2 go 4 & such.
Robotnik (Jim Carrey) Pilots it and controls its movements and weapons.
Likes : Mayhem and Destruction
Dislike : Team Chaotix and anybody whom gets in his way
Created 4 sole purpose of trying 2 get 2 the 4th Chaos Emerald after learning the colors so far is starting 2 reveal a pattern of some sort that reminds him of the colors of a rainbow which wonder IF there's such thing as a Blue Chaos Emerald which after narrowing it down 2 any wet and water filled areas that it wasn't long before detecting an energy signature coming somewhere inside the Aquarium known as Aquarium Of Western Australia (AQWA) and was trying 2 bust through the building side walls in the hope 2 create a huge flood or bring the Emerald 2 him but soon his plan changed and instead focus in on destroying Team Chaotix.
Where they fought along the way towards their destination which was Perth Canyon Marine Park where they continue their fight there.
However, this isn't the only Mech that he has in his disposal tho...
4 he has total of 12 Mechs at his disposal tho in this case 6 left at his disposal
Creator : Doctor Robotnik aka Eggman
Egg : Which Robotnik add the word Egg in front of his creations name as part of his brand as well as trademark since he after all created it and all.
Thrasher : As in to Bite repeatedly and violently fashion that most predators do to their preys.
Robotic Blue Mako Shark with Three Laser Cannons on the tail sides and Propeller shaped Tail End.
Three Laser Cannons on Caudal Tail Base Sides,
Thrusters on the sides for speedy charge like lunge attack.