A thing I made for some reason or another recently. A "Fall Festival," I am told. The creature at the right is the mascot for the local high school which I was thankfully declared mentally imbalanced in time to not attend. According to a sign visible from the highway road, the bee is associated with a marching band and nothing else. They're a bunch of surly kids, I guess. That I refer to their wasp representative as a bee surely only intensifies the indignation.
The trolley is also a recognizable symbol, which can currently also be seen from the highway right outside the Holiday Inn Express. East Haven is a real classy joint on a municipal level. They have to advertise at the highway because under reasonable circumstances that is as much of the town as anybody would ever see. Eh, that and the shopping plaza whose career highlight was having a K-Mart in it at one point.
The cannon is usually located near the gazebo in the distance, but in this picture it isn't. To simulate that effect, stand a few feet away from your computer screen.
I don't think the trolley actually has a bell thing to pull at the front (I can't find any things that look like BELLs in the reference images I'd have you believe I used), but I can imagine a dork like nemitz (the dork that is pulling something) having one installed just for the purpose of looking stupid while using it. Nemitz nemitz nemitz. There may be other dorks in the picture, as well.
Wow, I'm allowed to have 8342 more objects in this description.