Here we have Sabah performing an autopsy on a recently deceased patient, Cause of death: Shrapnel, Pica, Being a Cardboard box. Truthfully he was alive on arrival, but he was a goner either way! She swears, pinky swears even!
The only proper thing to do was to get him ready for a proper burial, unfortunately she didn't have any little receipts to write out all of his sins on, a bother that.
Now there's a twist to the game that would make Charles Addams proud! I love the little gold canopic jars and her casual attitude in the little head shot. And it's just a super adorable pair of images. I love the combination of her Egyptian style jewelry and the modern outfit, and it's nice to see her playing a little game and enjoying herself, too.
Now there's a twist to the game that would make Charles Addams proud! I love the little gold canopic
This is just precious. I always wanted that game when I was a kid, but never got it. I'd totally play with her, though, cute little canopic jars and all! What a neat idea, and her expression in the first page is so darn cute!
This is just precious. I always wanted that game when I was a kid, but never got it. I'd totally pla