Here's the full remake bio. I gave him his D.E1 uniform as well, as this is how he officially appears the first time in the comic. Old one for reference
Anubis. First appearance: Page 20, Project D.E Comic.
Anubis has gone through a lot of makeovers over the years. He was in the very first batch of characters when I created my story many (MANY) years ago. He was originally a Doberman, then a Great Dane, then a Great Dane-Doberman mix, he also had short fur, somewhat shaggy fur among other things. I decided to not keep making him into the Great Dane/Doberman theme, as that would mean I would have to make him with floppy ears (kind of what happened with Ace the Doiberman). However, I can't do way with the pointy ear on him as they are part of his overall presence. So here he is in his definitive form. I'm really not sure what he is? Just a big fluffy Evo. Kind of a husky-type dog, but with very different colors and markings, and also in weight and proportions.
"Anubis was born before year zero, but not that long before. He is still considered a post-year zero generation Evo due to this. He was the only survivor of his zone, leaving him an orphan at a very young age. But Evos are never really orphans, as someone took him as his own shortly after. An older Evo known a Lucas the Irish wolfhound took him, together with his mate Vinnie the German Shepherd. They had also taken another orphan Evo prior; the lovely doberman girl Ace. The four of them have been a family ever since.
Being close to the creator of Project D.E, Anubis and Ace soon got involved and became two of the first members of the development team. Anubis specializes in ship technology and he is a test pilot."
Big, strong and of 'menacing' presence, Anubis is very different than what appearances might suggest. He is a big puppy, very loving, curious, but also very protective of his Evo equals. Although he has trained as a ship tech, he prefers a more paws-on approach. When it comes to more techy theory, he prefers to leave it to his best friend. He will always be seen with Ace at all times. Their bond has grown over the years to be much more than just brother and sister."