astraligor was adventuring naked when he decided to take a nap on some tree, then he layed down and starts to sleep thinking about the meaning of life. astraligor awakes on his dream but he's still sleeping, that's something called a lucid dream. astraligor starts to walk into the forest of memory, because he's seeing his childhood memories, he digs more to the past when he finds out that he has his ancestors memories. he meets his ancestors: Anthony Foxson, Affonse Foxson I, Astranubis and his amazonian ancestor Astralikkor, the astraligor's ancestors explain him that he's following the Astraligor Timevine from the Foxson Family, and who started the Astraligor's Ancestry Line is Astrallan the Archangel from Arcadia D'Aurum that reincarnated into Astralikkor in the Ancient City of Akakkor. astraligor wakes up because he remembers that his schoolwork is doing an Ancestry Tree from any family member and their legacy, then he gets up and he goes home to start the project, and his adventures in the summer is about to begin in a few days.